
That is a great thing about them they also motivate me to be on the lookout for shots to fit the challenges
Have a great day

Feel free to recommend any others you are partial to. And I will check out your blog. (I bet you intended to say “shots.” Ha ha.) You have a great day too!

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Oops me the King of Typos struck again I fixed that yes of course I meant shots

Lets see @old-guy-photos runs a few Monochrome Monday, Tree Tuesday and Sepia Saturday

@dswigle runs Market Friday which is very popular @shasta Runs Boulder Sunday @lizanomadsoul Runs beach Wednesday and Sun Thursday @kalemandra Runs a daily color challenge Monday Red Tuesday Orange, Wednesday Yellow, Thursday Green, Friday Blue, Saturday Indigo, and Sunday Violet, @c0ff33a runs Sublime SundayThere a few for you to think about

Oh and of course there is y Wednesday Walk one whichI almost forgot LOL :)

What a great list! Thank you. I did #treetuesday yesterday. That hashtag cracks me up for some reason. But some of the tree pics people are posting are amazing. Oh yes — it’s #wednesdaywalk day. I will be posting mine. 😁

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Hope the list gives you some ideas, I know there are many more but those ones are the onesI remember and join from time to time, any more may have been information overload for you