Just an ordinary tree?

in #treetuesday7 years ago


Goat willow or Selje in norwegian, is a common sight all over europe. But this tree is a little special if you look a little closer. I will show you.


Can you see it?


See how this root has found its way through the rock. Many things to be found if you look close enough.

Thanks for visiting my post!



This is amazing... The tree is so determined to survive against all odds.

Like this is a very old tree,
Roots are the foundation for every tree, he will find a gap to find food sources,
Once our lives have to find a gap to earn sustenance, to move on ..

Have a nice day.. Very good post @solbadans,

Being ordinary is sometime extraordinary too that's so nice :)

Ordinary yet beautiful and liked it the way the root was there even in the rocks.

Nice of you to notice buddy

Great to see such large tress sit=r as they give 40% more oxygen compared to others.

Yeah I can see it, I really can see it . Amazing, wow how was the tree able to do that . That’s a mystery only nature could unveil. Thanks for sharing.

It looks like a very Old tree, and yes my friend I can see you it shape up over the mountain.

Very unique and fantastic roots blend with stone. And regarding the quality of the photos, I think no doubt.

Thanks Daniel!

Clearly a Magical Tree with Magical roots. very beautiful and cute tree my friend @solbadans.

Ordinary but Very beautiful creature of God.

Everything is looking beautiful and ahowing natural beauty. All photos are so nice. Good capture.

I wonder how many years it took the root to slide itself in through the rocks and even grow in such hostile environment. It shows how powerful anything can be irrespective of the environment one find himself.

I've seen these type of trees for first time and i think these trees are marvelous.

A magical tree. I try to zoom 100% very clearly visible roots in the rock. I wonder how this can happen? Oya, the quality of the photo is very remarkable although my full zoom still looks perfect.

once you make strong efforts they never go useless
bdw good shots

Ordinary but beautiful tree. And yeah I see it , that means the roots are strong.
What is the life of this tree ?

I think that nature is beautiful and perfect. I enjoy your posts for your photos @solbadans

Nice for ”just an ordinary tree”! I saw this in one of my special places, where tree roots are literarily going through the rock. I thought the rock mush had been laid there before the tree.
This is my “just an ordinary tree” from my special place in Mohonk, NY.

this tree is a warrior of life ... represents many of us

But it looks awesome sir its has survived and now its helping us to survive.

Its an Extra Ordinary tree sir some times we see things so simple but they are so complicated.

This is awesome sir dont think its a ordinary tree.

Its an extraordinary tree sir great to see such large trees and happy environment day.

So glad to see it here sir,thanks a lot sir you have find which is not that easy to find.

This is a monster tree sir thanks you sir.

This is one of those special tress we can see in our entire life.