TreeTuesday from Munich
Today it is TreeTuesday again and today I am showing you a Tree Video in Rain Style from Munich at the end. Video has been edited to look rainy - the original photography from me below. Join us and show your Tree Photography from around the world.
Bäume im Regen (oder auch nicht)
Ein Regen Baum Video aus München inkl. meiner zu Grunde gelegten Fotos zum heutigen TreeTuesday. Das Video habe ich versucht rainy zu editieren .
Please do not forget to check the other photography challenges - here a small overview about the current daily ones. // Bitte auch die anderen täglichen Challenges anschauen und mitmachen. MonochromeMonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here TreeTuesday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here BeachWednesday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here SunThursday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here LoveFriday - initiated by @liliana.duarte - check all posts here
BeautifulSundayBeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 - check all posts here
ColorChallengeColorchallenge (with daily color tags too) - initiated by @kalemandra - check all posts here
What a beautiful post post Uwe! Hope to discover Munich one day.
Let me know when
I will!! It would be funny to meet you for a coffee. I am very curious to discover Germany. Have a good evening
Hey uwe, deine Baumbilder haben mein heutiges (englisches) Gedicht inspiriert. Darf ich mein Gedicht mit einem Bild von dir posten?
Be like a tree
just grow and kiss the sky
It will come naturally
You don´t even need to try
you live you grow
you love the flow
the world loves you
and all your wishes do come true
Ich fühle mich geehrt - klar darfst Du gerne
hat aber nicht auf allen geregnet oder????
Nein, aber versucht es rainy zu editieren :-)
ahh ok..... ich muss ers noch was zum Thema Baum suchen....
nice work @uwelang:) you just give me some ideas thank you:)
Glad to hear this
Nice share friend.@uwelang my good friend, what's the language you're writing? Would love to learn it. Lol!
English & German
Ok. I would love to learn German some day.
Thats a beautiful lake!
Wow, beautiful pictures. :D
Would you mind if I copy them into a jigsaw puzzle program to make myself some puzzles?
Thank you very much. :D