Why Marvel is making the Hulk look weak part 2

in #trending6 years ago (edited)

In part 1, I talked about the way the hulk was portrayed in Avengers Age of Ultron, Thor Ragnarok, and Infinity War.
The Hulk has always been Marvels strongest Hero character without question!!

Planet hulk which are the events that take place with hulk between the avengers movie ultron, and Thor Ragnarok., gives the hulk a fully developed character mold for fans to expand into. The Hulk learns how to speak because of the obedience disk that was implanted on his chest upon his arrival on Sakaar , and actually develops a realistic love interest with an alien character Kyera. I must mention that the writers of Planet Hulk were very creative in developing the story line. In the animated moved the Hulk was sent into outerspace by the illuminati, and in Age of Ultron the Hulk Marvels cinematic movie, the Hulk takes the initiative to confiscate a ship and fly himself off planet to Sakaar. I thought this would be great, we get to see the, Movie version of planet Hulk. In the comic and animated movie we understand the Hulk feeling isolated because of massive damage that he has caused because of his rage. In many ways I liked the Marvels story line more of the Hulk leaving earth on his own because it shows some emotional intelligence, more so from the Hulk than Bruce Banner.

Once arriving on Sakaar in a weakened state, and different environmental factors at play the Hulk puts up a valiant fight but is eventually subdued when an obedience disk is implanted in his chest. A pass is given for this brief instance of most Hulk loyalist thinking, there is no way that anyone could plant a device on the Hulk he would immediately rip it off. But this is an alien planet with possibly advanced technology beyond what is on earth. The Hulk is kept in gladiator chambers with other fighters where we say once again, he is so powerful couldn’t he just escape? But once again maybe this planet because they deal with more powerful beings on a regular basis have developed the technology to house more powerful characters and the Hulk not being in his full rage mode simply just cannot at the moment.

The Hulk goes through many fights with powerful character/monster after powerful character/monster becoming the champion of the people and a fan favorite on Sakaar.
In Thor Ragnarok this saga is only mearly mentioned. In Planet Hulk the Hulk grows up and connects with the people of Sakaar who were kept in bondage by an evil king. The Hulk actually saves the people of Sakaar from a parasite that was released by the evil king that was used by him to keep the people in fear. It was later revealed that the Hulks blood was the key to developing the planet, because anytime the Hulk shed his blood and it fell to the ground a plant would sprout from the ground. The Hulk had finally found his home. He found a planet and a race of people that appreciated him for all his imperfections and he could actually create instead of destroy on Sakaar. The Hulk also found a love interest in Kyera the evil Red kings General. Lets stop right there, this is more than enough material to make a Hulk movie that takes the character into unchartered territory. It has a love component, it makes the Hulk a hero, and makes him finally accepted.

Instead of going in this direction the writers/directors for Thor Ragnarok wasted the Hulk story by including it in with Thors movie. What a waste!!

I originally said that I would explain why Marvel is making the Hulk look weak in this episode but I thought it would be better to talk about planet Hulk. Next episode I will give an explanation on why Marvel in diluting the Hulk character

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I still wanted that Hulk movie but I know it won't happen.

If it doesnt happen in this current round of marvel movies it can still happen in the future. 10-15 years from now.

In the comics it was explained that when hulk went through the wormhole (or whatever it was) that took him to Sakaar, he came out weakened. That it took time to regain his full strength.

Ok I must have missed that as I'm a Hulk enthusiast and never understand how he could be weakened. lol Thanks