that would be terrible idea. Having 260 views... and only few or no comments will be equally depressing. That would cause even worse feeling of ghost town.
We need to discourage autoupvoting. In my opinion, rewards for curation should be removed.
I vote for good content regardless whether I will be reworded or not. I know, that I could wait few minutes to receive even greater reward for curation... but I prefer to upvote content immediately to support good content even stronger.
There is a reason why other social media websites do not have to pay for peoples votes. People really like to vote if something is worth voting for.
I appreciate both comments/thoughts here.
I don't know that adding the number of votes to number of views will solve the problem. It's not so much that this is causing confusion as it'd be valuable to be able to identify which posts are are trending due to high view count (not only which posts are trending due to Steem earnings).
Thank's for sharing your opinion, i've also been thinking about this IMHO removing rewards curation would solve the problem in the root.
Removing rewards completely would be rather big step, but with new upcoming feature of communities, it would be great if each community could set own rules. It would be great opportunity to test various variants.
We need more discussion on this topic! :)