Thanks for pointing that out, after. You could mention that in the post.
The flag stays. I disagree with rewards. I think you can do better. It's not hard to find an image on the internet. This post lacks effort and I feel it doesn't deserve the current $254.35 worth of rewards.
Some people here work incredibly hard and stand no chance to earn something like that. I believe you can do better. I suggest you lead by example.
Have a nice day.
The post isn’t making jack as it will posted at a loss to make a point. There is no requirement to attribute CC0 it is the entire point of the license. You should do some research before flagging for theft.
Disagreement on rewards is fine but that’s not what you claimed. If you think I will profit off this post you are mistaken.
The post is far more than the image. It’s just to make a point.
I didn't accuse you of being a thief. That's on the record.
We cleared that up. I considered removing the flag but decided to leave it for a different reason. That's on the record.
Like I said, I get the joke.
Your potential profit or loss doesn't concern me. I don't care. I know how this place works.
It's nothing personal. I'm making a point right now as well. We can all make a point at some point in our lives. I don't think this particular instance of making a point is worth more than nearly all of the other instances of making a point, therefore the flag stays because I disagree with rewards.
"I've discovered the image presented here today was not a photograph taken by @themarkymark. Since @themarkymark failed to provide a link to the source of this image and indicate that it is not his photograph, I'm left with no other option but to flag the post."
I'm pretty sure that's what that says. Yet you did no research at all. If I blacklisted everyone I knew was a plagiarist or stole images but couldn't prove I'd blacklist half of Steemit. That's irresponsible.
Flag for disagreement, no problems, I'm going to do some disagreeing myself.
I right clicked on the image above, did a quick search in google, found many instances of the image and reported my findings. In nowhere in anything I said were you accused of being a thief. It is standard practice on Steemit to provide sources. Majority of people do it. You eventually cleared that up with everyone, I was satisfied with that. That's all on the record. No amount of spinning what I said or taking things out of context can change that.
Since it seems you're threatening me and since I didn't come here to act petty and get in a flag war with someone who feels like pouting over a $4 flag and since I'm sensing bully tactics, I'll now remove my flag out of fear.
Have a nice day.
Second result.
(A well known, CC0 site used by many Steemians)
I'm fine with flagging for disagreement with rewards, I wouldn't have said a thing. I've been flagged many times before for standing up what I believe in, and I'm sure there will be plenty more. In fact I totally expected to be flagged on this post.
I spend a lot of time daily looking through spam and abuse to prevent it being rewarded by my bots. If I flagged/blacklisted without doing research, that would be extremely irresponsible and that's what I have a problem with.
Hell, half the time I know it is stolen/plagiarized but I don't flag or blacklist because I have no proof.
If you checked and just didn't notice, hey we all make mistakes, but I do have a problem with someone flagging for something without doing proper due diligence.
Most people simply indicate "images from pixabay" in their post. That way, everyone knows. They do it as a courtesy to their followers and anyone else who may come across the post. It's a standard practice.
As for everything else you said. Good job. I'd just like to thank you though for showing me your true colors. You mention in this comment above how you can handle flags, and you say it's no issue, yet you threaten me with retaliation.
I think you can do better @themarkymark. I really do.
Good luck to you. I'm glad we had this talk.
"standard practice" but not a necessity.
The threat retaliation is a result of the irresponsible flagging and lack of due diligence and accusing me of something that was false, not because you flagged me.