EARN REAL PAYTM CASH for writting news even from mobile

in #trending8 years ago (edited)


i know you have been aware of ucnews which is a product of alibaba company which offers a browser too named uc browser
there are more than thousands of writters getting paid 200$-500$ monthly from uc news for posting news article
it became very popular.

watch full tutorial video here 👆👆👆
images (8).jpg

now a media intriduced which is MADE IN INDIA named newsdog situated in south india
they offers instant paytm cash for writting news
you can work on newsdog as wemedia(publishing news)
you may get paid low beacuse of low view(new comapnay so it obivious they have low no of readers now) but this media platform increasing very fast in next 3-4 months they will have same no of readers as ucnews have now.
in some way it is better than uc news
• it has very lite, useful, simple interface
• it doesn't required any specific no of view for getting ads on news wherr uc news required 2k views
• you can write from phone where in ucnews you can only work with pc
• payment through PayTm and instant where uc news make payment through paypal and also delay up to a month
• your news probably get banned if you follow simple t&c but in uc news if you follow all t&c then still chance of your post getting banned is higher most of publisher left because of thia reason
uc news moderators suspainding every news without any issues. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwPvmWpcqQv9qC55hTFm6oQ

it takes time but it will definitely worth
join now so you can satrt making giod amount after 1-2 months
good luck
and please subscribe my yt channel for more earning related videos.


please follow and up-vote i will do the same for you

Nice Post My Friend... Keep it up.. It will help many people and me also.. I am following you and Upvoted your post....If You like my comment then Upvote My comment and Follow My Blog....Thank You & best of luck for future.. @supriya1993

Cool .....!!


Good share ... thanks

Nice content

Please follow, up vote and comment me too......

good job piyush from piyush

Hii , I m Sani. See my account @kakilasak