Trending helps you discover interesting and relevant topics being discussed on Facebook that may not appear in your News Feed. It shows you a list of topics that have recently become popular on Facebook. The topics that appear in Trending are determined based on the number of publishers that are posting articles on Facebook about that subject and the engagement level of those articles. Our team is responsible for reviewing Trending topics to ensure that they reflect real world events.
How to see Trending Topics
On a computer, Trending topics are listed on the right side of your News Feed in 5 categories: Top Trends, Politics, Science and Technology, Sports and Entertainment. You can switch between categories by clicking the corresponding image.
On a mobile device, you can tap the search bar at the top of your screen to see Trending Topics. You may also see a Trending topics in your News Feed. When you see Trending topics in your News Feed, you can hide the topics by tapping
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