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He would take a deep…auleo (69)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday新山游神今天已是正月廿一,可新山华社还在新春的气氛,还要过了今晚的游神才会结束。 去年与前年刚好游神活动在周末,我都有到现场去观看凑热闹,今年在周二晚,上班日就无法出席了,只能在网上观看。 在主要恭迎台,是我往年没什么机会去到的,我都是在前段等候全部花车、神轿、表演队伍经过了,就可以“收工”回家了-还得驱车一小时回隔壁的小镇呢。…nostalgic1212 (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 hours ago「Vicky's Reading」《梦里人》by月半丁(卫观沧x卫观安)PART 1《梦里人》by月半丁(卫观沧x卫观安)温柔宽和白月光太子攻VS痴情隐忍二皇子受|古风/朝堂/骨科/年上/双向暗恋/互宠/大纲文/HE 应该是非常古早的文了,主要是最近猫耳FM出剧了,主役是文森x马正阳,所以找出来看看。行文比较潦草,看介绍说这属于大纲文,还真的挺贴合的。…deeanndmathews (77)in Freewriters • 14 hours ago18 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2651: a reputationImage by Pete Linforth from Pixabay “This is all your fault, Robert!” “So, explain this to me like I'm my grandson, Lil' Robert, who is five: it's my fault that my cousin…deeanndmathews (77)in Freewriters • yesterday17 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2650: a new churchDear Reader -- please know that although Lofton County, VA is fictional, the so-called "gumbos" described in this post and the last are not -- I have eaten one, and I just heard…justclickindiva (76)in Freewriters • yesterday 13 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2646 | Prompt: a loud growl in the night (un fuerte gruñido en la noche)A Hard Head Makes A Soft Behindsaulos (72)in Freewriters • 2 days agoUna Extraña Historia de San ValentínJavier miraba con impaciencia el reloj. 14 de febrero 9:30 de la noche y él todavía trabajando. Todos sabíamos que su esposa era fuerte de carácter y él para desahogarse nos…lovequeen (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago秘境咖啡店/小乖的家之前在臉書滑文章時有看到一個作家分享了他到南庄這個小城一遊的隱密咖啡店,畢竟是我成長的小城,竟然有連我都沒去過的地方?還是個咖啡店?怎麼可能不興起親自一瞧的心思? 這次過年剛好回鄉住了幾日,便憑著對那篇文章的印象找到大廟旁邊的小徑往上走,沒想到還沒看見咖啡店,卻發現了很多讓我很驚豔的地方,可以說是處處是驚喜及巧思啊。…felixmarranz (68)in Catarsis • yesterdayLos Hijos de mi Calle (divagación) [Es-En] The Children of my Street (digression)Viendo el televisor gigante de la plaza de Colegiales a esta hora de la mañana desierta, me pregunto por los hijos de mi calle. Esa calle que está a 6.000 kilómetros de aquí. Tan mía como mi casa. La séptimafelt.buzz (75)in Freewriters • yesterdayA New Church, a five minute freewriteThe Church of the Groping Crab was a new one for Nicky. She thought she had heard of all the crack pot religions in this town, full of strange beliefs, but apparently not. "Do…nostalgic1212 (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday「Vicky’s 听剧笔记」《粉黛》第二期:以后你就是我亲妹妹💖『哦……姐?』PART 2好打抱不平·脑洞大开·程平VS满嘴跑火车·编故事大王李柏奚,哈哈哈哈,这画面着实太美不敢看🫣太喜欢李娘娘这个说话的调调啦,心疼程大佬一秒钟😂 [这个后期真有点东西,过场的BGM太高级了!好听🎧] 驯服规则还利用规则的李柏奚,看着活得很世故很油滑,看没有人生来就是如此。我忘记原文内容了,但我记得他也曾经离经叛道,现实教会他必须变成这样。…felt.buzz (75)in Freewriters • 17 hours agoA Reputation, a five minute freewriteHe had a reputation for being clumsy. Lisa wondered if he cultivated it, it was a good disguise, she thought. He was more calculating than it first appeared, and she seriously…nostalgic1212 (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago「Vicky's Life」生活碎片|天气不错☁️许久不出门的我,当然要出门跟姐妹去meet up啦🚶流感加上低温,我最近除了去医院几乎不出门。今天气温爬升到了17摄氏度,我决定跟我的好姐妹们meet up啦!我们约在我家附近的501大厦,找了家港式茶餐厅。 整体装修风格还是对味的,就是有点用力过猛唯恐不知道餐厅定位的赶脚。整体非常干净,光线打得也很舒服。点餐比较简单,整个用餐环境和体验感都还不错。…improv (72)in Freewriters • 2 days agoImpostor on the Throne -5minutefreewriteWHO IS THE IMPOSTOR? It's me. I'm on the chrome throne. The Porcelain Throne. I am an impostor. Just feeling mad about shit and shit. Throw it all away. Shit the shitty shit…veryhappyday (66)in Freewriters • yesterday18 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2651: a reputationsource Sometimes we get a good reputation in our lives and sometimes we get a bad reputation for an instant of fault. Especially, celebrities are very sensitive to reputation. A few days ago, one of Korea'sjustclickindiva (76)in Freewriters • 2 days agoA Different Kind of Experience | ZAPFIC MONDAY (2/17/25) | Prompt: captain (capitán)This week's ZAPFIC Monday challenge involves the prompt "captain" and presented the opportunity to share a flash fiction that utilizes the word in the traditional sense. A…seha76 (69)in Freewriters • 6 hours agoa date: The Unexpected DateIf anyone were to ask me when the last time I went on a date was, I would say with an awkward chuckle. Not because I haven't been on a date - oh, of course I have! - but because…tezzmax (73)in OnChainArt • 21 hours agoShy of The Camera - (Scribble Drawing).Good Day Fellas, Have you seen kids shy of the cameras before? I could remember some of my encounters with kids whose parents or cameramen were trying to prepare for…felt.buzz (75)in Freewriters • 2 days agoImpostor on the Throne, a five minute freewriteThe impostor on the throne was not discovered for weeks. The King (or the creature that looked and sounded like the King) seemingly seemed to rule as usual. Yes, he made a few…