#tokenized-assetsUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesLeoFinanceWorldmappinVibesHIVE CN 中文社区SpendHBDLifestylePhotography LoversSplinterlandsActifitLiketuHive LearnersHolozing CommunityExplore Communities...#tokenized-assetsTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedshortsegments (76)in LeoFinance • yesterdayPacific Digital Assets, Part 4I have embarked on a journey to create a business investing in real estate, using digital ledger technology, and solving a problem. First I would like to explain what I want to…shortsegments (76)in LeoFinance • 2 days agoTokenized Real World Assets on Hive, Part 3Real World Asset Trading on Hive I just read a few articles in this community on RWA in general and RWA on Hive. These are my thoughts. RWA real world assets…