I will always think that my post have value, like you think about your posts.
But spending 2SBD and get 3-5SBD by upvoting myself is easy. I could do this all time.
But i am here to stop this. In my opining you can do this for other people.
But if you do this for yourself i will flag like insane.https://steemit.com/earn/@tuvokhl/shit-post-ending-after-30-min
And I also did it for this post. These tools are being marketed towards users to use on themselves.
So maybe instead of going after the guy that spends a measily 2 SBD you should be going after the bigger problem and not sit here threatening me and my posts.
Who is lame? 3 words you tell me and nobody understands what you want to say and shall this be a kind of insult? So just take my hammer!
Hammer because of 3 words only... explaining a point.
Try harder for insulting me.
I can upvote all my posts with this upvotebot.
I will always think that my post have value, like you think about your posts.
But spending 2SBD and get 3-5SBD by upvoting myself is easy. I could do this all time.
But i am here to stop this. In my opining you can do this for other people.
But if you do this for yourself i will flag like insane. https://steemit.com/earn/@tuvokhl/shit-post-ending-after-30-min
I see people do this for themselves all the time.
And I also did it for this post. These tools are being marketed towards users to use on themselves.
So maybe instead of going after the guy that spends a measily 2 SBD you should be going after the bigger problem and not sit here threatening me and my posts.
Maybe you should just start flaging this selfupvoter too and not cry.
Stay strong.
lol lame ass
Who is lame? 3 words you tell me and nobody understands what you want to say and shall this be a kind of insult? So just take my hammer!
Hammer because of 3 words only... explaining a point.
Try harder for insulting me.