
I've always felt like the vast majority of coins didn't need to be around. Bitcoin is a poor example since it at times has become slow and expensive but hypothetically speaking Bitcoin can be used to pay for everything CD's, prostitutes, dental work, etc, so I never understood why we needed a music coin to buy music and a dental coin to pay dentists and a wax coin for video games. This creates more of the same problem of currency exchange that crypto was meant to get rid of ie having to pay money to exchange currencies.

There are a few coins which have legitimate uses but overall there probably needs to be no more than like 10 of the existing cryptos at most.

I'm really torn on crypto. I used to be very gungho, these days I kinda feel like were never gonna get the hype and excitement of 2017 back, crypto has some great use cases ie high risk merchnats but there's little to no reason for a normie ie not a crypto user to ever start using crypto to buy cofffee or dinner and heck even most of us just do it for the novelty, not becauese it really solves any problems or saves us money.

I think we will have a currency coin everyone uses, a social coin everyone uses (steem :) ) and a dapp building platform.

I do think it's amazing what Steemit has done, its incredibly hard to build a community and keep any decent number of people engaged so that's a big accomplishment.

I definitely think Steemit needs groups and private messaging and what not because as it currently stands if I wanted to chat with you I have to find a post of yours and leave a comment publicly, and on a post that's not really related to my comment. I know there's steemit chat groups but honestly I can't be troubled enough to have to hop over to another platform just to chat.

I know early on some people were starting to use Steem for commerce and selling things, would be cool if like a Steemit eBay type deal popped up

I think you are probably correct , I suppose the are a lot off shite coins out there that need to disappear. Cheers mike


And a few others, hopefully steem will recover soon. Cheers mike

I have thought same thing for a while...

I hope steem isn't one of them

Just barley got 10% gain about to put it in tether

Posted using Partiko Android

I will keep my coin alive

Posted using Partiko Android

Altcoin prices compare to BTC are dropping fast. BCC discord channel is so funny. I have learned a lot on this stream TREVON. See you later today on your new intangible coin review.

Posted using Partiko Android

this guy still makes videos?

this site pays in real time just register and go to earn and watch can watch up to 3x videos at same time.u can aslo pick what you would like to earn 40 different coins all paid in realtime. PUT ON THE VIDEOS and relax go to sleep and let them earn: BOOST YOUR STEEM POWER FREE

just pick top 10 coin from coin marketcap site :)

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