in #trevonjb8 years ago

I woke up to find that litecoin and EOS 's prices were on the move. We talked a little about them both in my live stream this morning.


Use my code " TAFzNt " to get 3% off of genesis mining and I will use your code live in one of my live streams

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I have been saying it is a buying opportunity!!

Nahh im not buying any EOS.. "1 minute later" ahhh, maybe just a few hunnid XD bahahaha you too funny bruh

I actually wished I bought a lot more litecoin during this point. EOS really went down from here but I think it's a good buying opportunity now.

Got in on litecoin at 8usd! very happy right now!

EOS is flying up like crazy. I am almost pretty sure a lot of it is fear of missing out on any giant price movements up.

when i saw EOS's movements i was like:

don't like litecoins or EOS. but at least they are climbing...

Buying EOS now.... Is Like..... ... derrrp. :)

I just bought 64 EOS and It's already up 15% in the last hour!!!! BOOM!

Putting 100 dollars in EOS, Get 400 Dollars out. Time to buy a new GPU.

Veritaseum just jumped 100%

I thought that EOS was maybe a pump and dump thing because it was in a huge (300%) rise this morning. Do you agree?

keeping my eyes on it...

thank you for your kind reply @cryptoactive

Thats what this entire livestream is talking about.. if you want to know if he agrees just watch the video:)

Yeah but the whole story behind the IOS is preety amazing because of the new way of c++ programing... Just wanted to hear your opinion :)

Didn't have time for the whole vid, but man it was great seeing my LTC up today ;)

Great content
i followed you on steeemit and youtube thanks for sharing great content
can you make a video for streemvoter, how it works plz
allways supporting you

Lets wait and see what will become of litecoin. Well done Trevon James. I always like you video. Keep it up.

I prefer watch you instead a movie ! I learn more and do not get bored!
Thank you very much !

All my "L" coins did well this morning.
"L" of a deal!

Love it when waiting patiently pays off. :-)

The Rainbow is coming after the Storm!!!
Blessings to you!!

Glad to see EOS in top 10 crypto-currencies.. it truly deserve to be in top 3.

the hell?
It is just an ICO with no product and no real usage, how come it deserves top on the first week of existance?

Why it has no purpose or application

my best investment so far EOS

I did expect eos to fly.. congratulation to everybody that invested in the project

Sounds like I need to check out EOS pretty seriously. Interesting moves.

Im buyin some Tre lol - Also, I added your vid to Crypto TV, everyone find out about that on my steemit page, @Technium

ICOs are for every age group...lmao

Litecoin increase in value proves we need Segwit in BTC i was convinced it was a done deal now its well maybe.

To begin with, the Token Purchase Agreement specifically emphasized that the EOS token has no purpose.

“As mentioned above, the EOS Tokens do not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, expressed or implied. Although EOS Tokens may be tradable, they are not an investment, currency, security, commodity, a swap on a currency, security, or commodity or any kind of financial instrument.”

And it says if you are in the US do not buy them .. thats sketchy af

So glad I’ve had my genesis paying me in ltc. PROFIT TIME!

Yeah, its good the eos is soaring but it's really weird and giving rise to many doubts.

Is it going to create a bubble?!

For Litecoin is an established and older coin, so we can believe in it, but not in eos.

Yes mate, I can feel it, Litecoin to the moon

EOS has a good team backing it up, not surprised at all but again it could be just the beginning of a bubble

That was a really bad Mike Tyson.

Litecoin is one strong mofo

I bought some litecoin earlier today so they're bound to go back down...

Thanks for share,wait for next rise

wow Man you got massive followers keep it up!!!

People don't even realize how seriously under valued the LITES are! The Lite is Brite! Litecoin is going places. I may grab some EOS when it comes down a bit. These new hype coins come out and rage then consolidate for a while.

The momment we have been waiting for!!!!!!! THE RISE

yeah i also have some litecoins in my wallet....eos is not following..great post...

Any idea if poloniex will start trading EOS

Thanks god the movements here!

you almost buy tre!

yeah it was a time for LTC to move! I hope we see us soon on 100$ :)

It's like I've been saying: Litecoin will replace bitcoin in day-to-day shopping. In addition, it is a very resilient currency.

Ha thanks so much for this. I look forward to your post always. And yes used your code twice today. Pls use mine too / rUOLxQ

I'll catch the next LTC pump. You wait

I've been telling yall litecoin is a sleeper lol at your shocking freeze frame avi from YouTube

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