You can do it to. Just show you life and express your thoughts through media platforms. Do that for a year and a half and money will chase you.
Use my code " TAFzNt " to get 3% off of genesis mining and I will use your code live in one of my live streams
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crypto currency will penetrate the general public some day. giggity
I've been following you on YT for a long time Trevon, amazing to see how far you've come. Very motivational!
I hope one day I can live just on cryptocurrency. It's amazing that you're able to live on it.
Thanks for the video. You really show how you well you can on social media by posting consistently.
It is so awesome Trevon and Craig that you are living the dream! Blessings to you and your families.
living the dream
you're a genius!
Thoroughly enjoyed this different type of video. You definitely suit the day to day vlog style of video. It looks like you're having a very fun time out there with Craig and your family.
You aint lying buddy! Got to put in that work before you get paid, respect and been following you on here and all over social media, love the hustle! Much love and success bro, live it up with Craig!
Upvoted and RESTEEM'd!
It is all coming together for you all now. lol..... good
Money has never chased me, and I can't imagine its going to start now, but I have lived most of my working life doing things that i love, so cant complain. Thanks for making videos that I can understand and learn from!
Nice. Thanks for the advice I'll give it a try. Dude you are awesome. I see you doing your thing everyday. I'm even subscribed to your YouTube channel. Every time you do I a give away I be one of the first to join and last to leave yet never got anything. Still all good because the advice you give is just as valuable. Thanks for everything thus far brother. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Good to know. You're my inspiration for keep working on cryptos!
Living the dream - looks like you guys are having a good time!
Living that good life! Good for you homie! Keep up the great work and great videos. I appreciate you sharing your adventure.
says you are living at Mrytle Beach on your blog.. must be a beautiful place. Glad you are living your dream...
You oversimplify man. I been following you for a bit now. You made all this happen. You right, I can too, but it's gonna take some mental visualization
that view looks unreal btw bro, gorgeous
Dope, I saw the Uber driver on craigs post, fun to see it from the other angle haha!
Never looking back on Fiat.. oppps there goes my Gucci wallet to the bin!
Oh man you had me rollin at Craig Grant Style, seeing him walking around holding the phone out LOL
If you Steemit, they will come!
Seriously, you will get from this exactly what you put into it!
way to be man! taking it one step further to freedom town! gahhh thats one hell of a view! i love when i drop the crypto talk people my way are still huuuuhhhhh, crypto whaaaaaatttt lolol
Very sound and inspiring advice Trevon! And even better when you can earn a living doing what you love. Now that's the real American dream! Hope you and Craig are having a great time in Miami - enjoy!
My two favorite crypto youtubers :D <3
I would REALLY love to live off of blogging or cyprtos or something similar! Any tips on how to get there faster?
Heyy Tre is awesome right?? One thing he taught me was to be consistent, and one thing I always do is just be myself :)
Yea consistency is important on blogging I'm sure!
I try to have patience in life, but it's not a life skill taught in school. I find it is essential in controlling money-otherwise money controls you.
One can only dream...
Or is it possible for one to live their dream?
I've pretty much been that way except for my cash tips. I spend my tips for everyday life and my bills crypto
Awesome Man!!
This is why we Steemit. If we persevere we will all be able to do this. Great job.
That's the dream, maybe someday I can live only with cryptocurrency! :D
Thank you buddy, you inspire me everyday on pushing everyday. I wish I can get a community to share thoughts and get into social projects about cryptos but I guess that could happen after showing what I can do for people!
i will try to make it happen!
shieet and I just started a new job (60k a year) you make me want to quit and go live somewhere in southeast asia
One of your best videos so far!!! :))
I'm so happy for him :)
That's awesome @trevonjb keep up the great work - If you are a foodie check out my page too ;-) I also added you on Steemvoter Bro - Cheers
Crypto currency are best thing made ever.
Congratulations on your success! I hope that I can get to a point where I can just quit my day job, and be able to travel the world again!
You can do it! #TheFutureIsNow
you and kid could be twins
What an inspiration to see u and Craig living off crypto, hope to get to a place where am also living off crypto. Thank u for sharing...cute baby at the end :)
Shout out to Uncle Craig lol :) And that baby is the best wing man everrrr lol!
As I told your brother Craig earlier, you guys are my motivation and I smile every time I see y'all winning. I'm taking it a day at a time exploring new boundaries in this cryptocurrency world. Thanks for the motivation and keep on shining your light brother. Steem on steemiteer
So proud of both of you guys!!
Awesome content man! I just learning from you how to make money here on Steemit and i'm so excited about it. I'm live in Brazil, so I can also take advantage of the low-value of our currency. This crypto world is just blowing my mind.
Cheers and keep this valueable work!
My goal is to retire off it!!
Blessings to you!!
Good job
You're an inspiration and an example on how cryptos can change lives for anyone who puts in the work and time required :) stay awesome
This is the future, everybody will live this way in 20 years. And we, the pioneers will be rich because they started to late with using cryptos $$$ .
Good post!!! Thanks + upvote
