It's the first vlog from me back in The States. In todays vlog I pose a question to my subscribers as I have gotten a little bored with crypto as of lately apart from Steem. Even as far as Steem goes there's only but so much I can make videos on. So please, watch the video before you comment and upvote because I'm looking for genuine answers.
I would be really interested in a video where you do a trade. How you take profits etc. How do you store your profit? You buy btc, get into a new coin or even fiat?
glad you're back home!!
It's not even profitable to mine bitcoin anymore....Ether is pushing it. Maybe monero and coins that haven't gone up so much it's still worth it, but not with Genesis mining. If you really want to mine with Genesis, don't...but the coin at its value'll be much happier than if you mined...much happier. I mined with genesis for's so much of a joke I can't believe it's being pushed. I have about 5 friends that mined when I was mining, and we were all tempted to create a lawsuit against Genesis..they don't scam you, they do pay you...but they pay you nothing. 95% of people investing with Genesis don't have the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision whether it'll be profitable to mine with won't...100% it won't. They take advantage of peoples lack of education in the crypto world and make a ton of money themselves because of it.
This is an interesting concept... Everyone who trades realizes they'd rather just buy $2500 of ether or bitcoin vs. mining it and waiting 6 months before making even a penny... I personally put $2500 into Genesis mining bitcoin and currently received 1.15 bitcoin in about 4-5 months... had i just bought that garuntee id have more money now... However if the growth continues to mine in the next year or more, than i should have more coins from mining than my initial purchase could have ever bought. Mining is a safe investment just very very slow in the profit, but has potential LONGterm to be more profitable if these coins ever boom and in crazy chance the payouts continue? IDK you probably have much more experience than i, however Longterm there still seems to have potential... maybe I'm just an ignorant hopeful:)
Are you profitable even considering rising mining difficulty, any maintenance fees, and length of contract? I've always wondered how the cloud mining guys work... why wouldn't they just mine for themselves? Because it's more profitable to rent mining hardware and charge fees? Maybe Genesis Mining is different as I'm not familiar with them (haven't looked into that stuff in a long, long time).
Hey Trevon- Def not ICO's (against my religion as well) but a breakdown of particular coins and your thoughts/perspective on them would be cool. Love the daily live vlogs by the way.
Love you @trevonjb but did you just compare yourself to Bill Gates?!
Glad your travels were safe to Iceland Mr. Gates.
It's cool you got to go to Iceland and view Genesis, but I don't really get how you can promote it. Have you been investing in their mining for a while? I started investing 4 year ago with's a joke. It's not a scam, but it's a joke. Anyone would've been better off just buying bitcoin for the price it was at instead of mining. You would've made way more money. Between mining difficulty and their fees, you're throwing away your money. I have proof from my own experience that Genesis is a joke of a way to make money in mining.
I would consider it diversification rather than a joke. Moreover, how do you invest in altcoins, other than buying them outright...and of course blogging on Steemit?
What do you mean how do you invest in altcoins other than buying them outright. That is the way, and for the bigger coins, it's the best way in my opinion. Most don't want to deal with setting up a mining rig, great if you do. Much easier to open up a Bittrex account and just buy coins. I look at altcoins like I do stocks. You can't mine shares of a company you research the company and if you believe in the company you buy shares in it. It's that simple. Have you invested with Genesis for years? I hate and I've seen what my returns are and it's pretty easy to know I would've made a lot more had I just bought bitcoin and ether. Diversification? Really? We must have different opinions on what diversification is. I own about 10 coins that I bought outright. That's diversification to me. You dont need to think Genesis is a joke, but I know it is from experience and would nrve tell people to invest in it to diversify or start out in altcoins. I'd much rather to tell them to set up a counbase account where you can set it up so that you're automatically buying a certain dollar amount of the 3 coins they offer each week
A true entertainer. Your not boring like so many of the others. Teach us more on Steemit in how to get more followers and putting out better content. Motivate us with your account and how you built it up. Talk about your beliefs on where Steemit is gonna go and how it will make people wealthy who have positioned themselves properly in acquiring Steem Power. Lead us to the promise land , guru Trevon .
is coinbase the only way to transfer between fiat and crypto, for americans?
Not the only way, but the way I do it.
Did you ever had problems with Coinbase? Is it safe? I also opened an account, but I am a still a little afraid, because of scams. I am totally new to crypto.
Unless you control your private keys, you don't control your crypto...Exchanges like Coinbase go down all the time, leaving you unable to access your funds or make trades - and timing is critical in this market.
Thank you for your advice!
ツ welcome back to the states.... Glad your interest in steem is 💯
Hey man, you don't seem to suffer from jet lag. What's your secret?
No clue
What do you think of Segwit?
Where is Bitcoin's price headed before/after Segwit?
Where will Bitcoin end the year?
Where will crypto as a whole end the year?
What's going to happen August 1st?
Where is Steem headed this year?
What % of your portfolio is in Bitcoin, Steem, etc?
What will become of Ethereum?
What coins do you hate?
What do you think a bear market will look like/how long will it last?
Instead of 1+ hr live trading streams, do a trading video series.
Maybe you could talk about how we could use our hard earned crypto in our daily lives and discuss investment opportunities to make this world a better place in general.
That intro hahaha
Great info, I see you had a Safe trip and made it back in one piece! Thanks for sharing, keep up that awesome sense of humor and great work!
Lol you must be new to my vids
Lol nahh your intros get me every time too
Tutorials would be nice..or maybe a blue print of how to get to the level you are at.
just do you.. we will watch
Do more videos where you travel. I think that would be interesting.
You could interact with your steemit community in the comments more... that'd be nice
Ill try
what will happen to our banks etc if crypto becomes mainstream? will they become another alt coin?
There's still so much you could do a video about but the question is what do you want to make a video about. I've been trying to figure out how to use my future BTC gains in real world investments or how to put them in a card like bitpay card to pay bills and buy stuff with it. Maybe that's a good idea to go off. It's all about your choice on what to make a video about.
Antminer l3+ sould out quiqly , and power suply on the first day . They now reselling at 3000 usd . And most interesting of all Bitmain only accepts LTC (41) and usd. I want you to teach us in how to get more referals . I would love to get afiliates in genesis mining ;) . Iota hitting the market and how they work would be a good topic too. Technical analisys for newcomers on bittrex . I want to KNOW IT ALL!!!
Welcome back to the USA. I always find it hard to pick back up with normal life after I get back from vacation.As soon as I get time I will be going through all your videos on Steemit. I have just started here. With Genesis is it better to mine ETH or BTC? Some videos on ICOs could be helpful as well.
Last time I checked Tre wasn't a big fan of ICOs ( me either lol ) but Ameer Rosic has some good videos about them
Yeah I know he doesn't like them. But that doesn't mean he don't understand them and can give some good input. On what makes them bad or what ever.
Some of things you would like to change about the cryptocurrency space, because nothing is perfect
Talk about whatever you want. Life, new movies, new music, what you would like to see implemented on Steemit, etc. As long as you're true to you, it should be good.
Pick a coin a month to speculate on. What you think will happen to BTC pricewise rather than Segwit.
Didn't quite watch the whole thing as I skipped through the soulful pauses but what you can do from now on is what I hope to do. You are a personality in the Crypto World wether or not you realize it, you can essentially position yourself as an investor or entrepreneur and explain to people what you are doing to make profits, what coins and new technologies you are following. The crypto world needs news anchors essentially and you can simply synthesize the information you learn about cryptos everyday and explain the useful bits to everybody else. I would suggest making videos covering upcoming ICOs that you are interested in or that people suggest to you. Many youtube creators have a voting system in place where users suggest their next video simply put up some coins you're interested in and whatever the users choose can be the next video. Just my thoughts, I am trying to get my foot in the crypto world as well and am open to any advice you could offer me as well. I like your content I hope that you continue to produce more. I post about crypto currency and politics and generally useful crypto information any follows/upvotes would be much appreciated.
Also if you need help coming up with videos and ideas I would be more than willing to help you produce content.
I think it's still that jet lag and you running on Iceland time that's keeping you tired, Trevon - just shrug it off and get back to innovating on Steemit and YouTube!
Since there are a lot of new users to Steemit, I think you can easily devote more videos to talking about Steemit. Basically, detailing your own experience on Steemit - how you went from a minnow to a whale, how you grew such a diverse and huge group of followers and how you continue to stay successful on Steemit.
Not only that, now that you're celebrity across both Steemit and YouTube, you can even do some collaborative videos with some of the other famous Steemians. I would love to see a video of you and @craig-grant as soon as both of you are in Florida! Tag-team FTW!
You always do such a fantastic job with your videos - I look forward to seeing a new video and learning something new and interesting from your channel everyday. Thanks @trevonjb!
Haha thanks @itsmee.bosslady!
your profile right now is very attached to genesis mining, I follow your posts even though I don't want to invest on G-M mining, I don't think of them as a scam, but because ROI duration is longer, I would prefer to buy bitcoin, steem, and trading on poloniex, bittrex. I guess I follow you because you believe in bitcoin and its perspective. It makes me hopeful and to stay positive. I want to learn more about how to earn more steem on steemit, and earn bitcoin by an alternative ways (apart from cloud mining). Thank you.
How would you go about telling people who aren't familiar with cryptocurrencies about steemit. Of course, they'd love the fact of hearing you can make money..and that it's a good social platform but for those who don't really understand how. Hope I'm making sense with this question.
Theres alot to talk about but you have to keep in mind that the crypto world is moving at a rapid pace however theres still time between developing and implementation so we are currently in that period. Waiting for things to become implemented
@trevonjb... How Steemit may actually be a more viable currency than Bitcoin in the future. What do you think of this as a possible future for Steemit? Please read here
Teach us how to cut our hair (reference to you wanting to cut yours) lol
On a serious note, if you are feeling bored of crypto you should try something new, maybe become a gamer. Your subscribers enjoy your videos because they enjoy your personality. So you could easily do other things outside of cryptocurrency. It depends what you are interested in though. Maybe you don't like playing video games. That was just an idea, you could do whatever you wanted to.
I bet you would gain even more subscribers (at a faster rate) if you were to expand outside of cryptocurrency.
I think that if you were to get into ico's that would be great. Do that!
Yes thought about doing gaming videos. Jus havent gotten into the setup
Well, you would do great. You have the personality for that sort of thing.
Keep doing what your doing, Its your Gift and our Present!!!
You tell us, Then tell us again, Then tell us what you told us!!!
I think w/ the experience u have u could put more of an emphasis on telling folks what not to do in the crypto's still so many newcomers making bonehead plays like "selling ethereum during a flash crash". You could probably tell 1 of those stories damn near everyday lol.
Wellcome back. Bitcoin goes up and go down, it is cool with me. It will go up for sure.
Man do you look exhausted from your trip, do you ever sleep?
I never can get a nap
I would be Interested in Trade lessons,
Thanks for sharing
Followed, ReSteemed
Pls Follow me
Loving your content @trevonjb keep it going, was great to see you at the genesis mining facility, keep teaching the people.
No problem
Your videos is always entertaining dude :) Just started with genesis mining because of you so thx
No problem!
Welcome back !! any idea about the cheapest long term crypto investment !!
Did you get that much mining power with buying or because of all the referals?
I personally would like to hear some crazy or odd "story times" from the past, just to get to know you better as a 'teacher/leader' in the space. Basically explaining how you dealt with whatever it was and how it comes into play now that you are older, in business and raising a son.
Will do
"Me" so happy now :-)
Teach us how to invest in cloud mining
How to make as much as you per post, just to start with ;)
Does anyone know how to give smaller percentages of your upvote instead of always doing 100%?
You have to have 400+ steem power to have the slider
Thanks man! Also, can i link my Genesis mining to Steemit account by putting username in the genesis wallet? I've never seen anyone do this before but im curious if its possible
Thanks for the content @trevonjb i am still going through you're archive so still have a lot to learn from you and always look forward to new content.
Keep pumping out those awesome videos Bro, you are an inspiration 👍 😎!
Another day another dollar
I think that you was always talking about what interests you, why to stop with it? I would say talk about whatever you like and interact with people, help them out if you feel like a teacher and if it does makes you happy if you help out.. People are here also because of how are you
teach us what you think about this segwit
Nah, dude you got that:.gif)
Welcome Back. I would like for you to do videos on, on how to make passive income with crypto.
What resources do you use to spot a potential big profit website?
You need to have a broad understanding of many different currencies then you have to compare them apples to apples as not all coins are created equal, then you need to decide what direction you think the industry is then you need to figure out potential ROI and invest accordingly. There is no resource to tell you buy this and you'll make this much money, this is all speculation and if anybody tells you they have a sure thing, they are sorely mistaken. Just go with the companies you believe will be widely adopted and don't think its for you because the most value these coins have is in the developing world so you need to think globally.