I am almost 92% sure we are in for a short bear market as far as bitcoin goes this summer. In todays vlog I talk about how I plan to prepare if this is indeed the case.
I am almost 92% sure we are in for a short bear market as far as bitcoin goes this summer. In todays vlog I talk about how I plan to prepare if this is indeed the case.
Hodl is always a great advice for btc. Thanks for your insights!
Thanks for bringing the great content day in and day out Trevon. Looking forward to seeing the Keys trip on here! Oh and watched this on YT haha
I watched this on YouTube. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight during this downturn. I especially liked the advice to not spend every last big of Bitcoin when the market starts to take a downturn. Thanks !
I try and make my first stop here on Steemit before going anywhere else.
It's much better to support a system like this than the evil one over at Alphabet.
The time to buy Steem is... always. :)
snap! first! saw it on youtube earlier !
I think it's just a needed correction. Don't think it will get any lower than 2200 BTC. Don't panic sell. Hold on . Ride it through. BTC trend is to go up. It's the future. Bitcoin is going nowhere. It's here to stay. Just the up and down of the market. It's summer season. Protect your coins and hold, hold, hold. Nice to have you back Mr. Trevon James.
Now it's time to buy! I'm a loyal YouTube subscriber :)
in the words of warren buffet "be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful"
Nice quote! It's true. That's how risks becomes rewards :)
Watched on YouTube! Yes, I agree buy and hold and buy more now! Thanks
What up doe?! Saw this on YouTube earlier!
saw this on youtube
Saw it on youtube! Tre calling the game haha
Watched this video on YouTube! Bitcoin needed to pull back in my opinion. Bitcoin could pull back to $1500 and still be in a bull pattern. Saw that on a chart posted earlier this week. Great video...
Thanks for the upvote @trevonjb I consider you like a mentor in the cryptocurrency space. Keep doing what you do. I appreciate it...
always watch on youtube first so i can get ready for the steemit post. i will now never purchase will all my btc so i can continue to buy as it slowly falls. cheers for the tip
Over on YouTube. Ethereum down to $22,000, baby.
hi please follow me because i'm following you ok bro. https://steemit.com/@sabresaad
Yo cought this earlier today on YouTube. But like you said "buy and hold" I think is the best option right now
Just saw this video on youtube! Just started investing, so just in time to experience this bubble! xD should be wise to sell when it goes up a little and buy again when it's getting even lower? I will look into..
Interesting stuff, thanks!
Watched on youtube! Go Get it Tre! Makin' that intangible Coin talk fire!
hi please follow me right now i'm follow you. https://steemit.com/@sabresaad
Seen on the Youtube and I'm Not afraid ~Keeping to the long term cycles always Wins...
saw it on youtube bra, watching again !!
Always watch you on youtube trev ;)
Watched this on youtube earlier, you make some great points and i agree completely.. everyone wanna cash out in the summer and enjoy the profits (which is understandable) but its deff gonna effect the markets.. i also agree with the bubble pop on BTC we are just now experiencing, i love the "jet" metaphor you used. Great video!
Watched it on YouTube first and right after that here on Steemit :)
Watched on youtube, then came to check it on Steemit.
So trev the most important suggestion is to buy steem. This is another opportunity to get some steem at a comparitively low price. The more and more people like you are buying steem the more stronger my belief on steemit is getting. I hope u already got your 1btc worth of steem.
I am a longtime Youtube follower and I learned a lot from you. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Great advice.
And great buying opportunities are coming!!
I hope you're wrong about the bear market, but who knows?
i watched it on you tube.
Hey man first off great vid love the music in the background. Definitely starting to look bearish, I've done some TA on BTC i think we might find some support here on my chart.
ps smashed that follow button(youtube) months ago.
watched this on youtube :)
I'm buying and holding nuff crypto I aint gonna let next year bubble miss my a$$
idk man you talk about these markets like they are gold and silver. There is no "off season" with cryptocurrency.
Not gonna lie, watched it on Steemit first, lol@
If it does become a bear market this summer, it's going to be a tiny dip in the long term. We'll think back to these crashes/corrections in a few years and laugh when the market cap is at like 500B+
wouldnt say its a bubble burst..... bearish yes... but bubble burst? Investors that invest on EMOTION are panicking... everyone else should lookin like BIRDMAN.... This is a Black Friday Sale!! Christmas in July.... Happy Hanukkah.. whateva.... Take advantage

Ayyee I was there for the whole live stream, well i did miss like 5 or 10 min of the beginning cause my notification was late for some reason, And you did say if you were from youtube then say it so boom :D im from youtube ( one of your subs ). It sucks bitcoin is at like 2300 and prob wont look good this summber but eventually its gonna go back to regular like you said. Can't wait for the 10k sub mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watched it on youtube! Keep up the good work :)
watch this on the youtubes earlier today :)
Yeah i was on youtube aswell ! Thx to the notifications :p
Great advices as always Trev. See u tomorrow for that intagible coin talk live ;)
U are right TJ everyone cashout ,expechaly for the weekend.
It hurts that i can't get involved in this pullback and yes i watched this on youtube
I'm buying! And will do so for the entire summer if this discount continues.
Buy low, sell high..... why is anyone even panicking?
Yeah i agree with you majority shouldn't trade but i like trading with money i don't really care too much about losing. You know i was watching on YouTube.
Yep have the same thoughts.
Ready to buy.
as for your yesterday's question, "what followers want to learn?" this video is a good example of what I want to learn about more, keep going bro, and btw I am generally watching your videos on youtube :)
peace king... I think its just a short correction...im trying to be patient... I like Voxels as a coin in the near future
Just watched it on youtube! :)