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RE: Trial by Comics 'Star Trek'

in #trialbycomic7 years ago

I've watched and loved both Dark Matter or The Expanse. I cannot believe they cancelled DM... fuck..

I mean it was super cheese, but it gave you everything you wanted to a T in a sci fi show.

Expanse first few eps were hard to handle, such bad acting at first oh man... they really got there shit together halfway through season 1 and then it fucking rocked after!

No i did not hear about Quentin's movie, super excited tho for that to happen!

Oh and in terms of Discovery, the only reason I'm watching it is bc DM is cancelled and waiting for the Expanse lol...

I'd say The Orville is way better and more hilarious. Seen that? Seth Macfarlane!

And yes, that groundhog day ep...i mean classic sci fi ep there but jeez...


They... they canceled Dark Matter?....

Just read an article about it... I am so sad now. But that last season was a little rough.

The Orville, someone was talking my ear off about that show just last night. Haven't seen it but I am interested... I got a few adult cartoon series I have been meaning to binge watch.

ya, it was getting pretty crazy with the whole black ooze (kinda x-files), still I would have watched it lol. It was a guilty pleasure. I'd put it on and just write music or Steemit while it was on lol.

Orville is awesome, if you are a Star Trek fan you'll laugh a lot.


I know! I know! I have been meaning to get to it like almost every other week since you mentioned it. It is the next in prioritized order of viewing - don't worry. Calm yourself.