An entry for @kommienezuspadt's Trial by Comics with this week's theme of Star Wars. Sometimes you have a thought that seems like a good idea at first and then you start drawing it, and then like ten minutes in you start thinking "Holy crap what am I doing but I guess I can't go back now" and then fifteen minutes after that you realize it's pencil, there is an erasure, but by that time you are done. I know, super common issue. Alt title for picture is "It's Always Star Wars in Philadelphia" Process pics below.
Crypto Collectibles presents Marvel Sitcoms on Twitter
Crypto Collectibles presents A Super Hero Ice Cream Sandwich for Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #23
Crypto Collectibles presents "The Incredible Chewbacca #181" for #TrialByComics
Loool! I love it.
Nice drawing! and ummm gif lol
I love the sketch