After serious consideration, I concluded this guy was the best choice to wrap things up.
So... for my third (and last) entry for TRIAL BY COMICS...
...and a continuation on my take on iconic dead artists as superheroes (previously: FRIDA & ANDY)...
SALVADOR DALI. I feel he's so metaphysical there are no words that can articulate what an out-of-this-world master he was. Perhaps just "trippy af". My super-Dali can warp time and space and everything in between.
Like last time, here's a mock-up comicbook cover I designed, the clean art, and a close-up.
Thanks for all your support and thank you @kommienezuspadt for putting this together :]
This looks great! The eyes caught my attention at first glance.
thanks! yeah his eyes are just so expressive. I had to spend a good time on them. :)
This series of illustrations is a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen type concept that I could really get into!
haha YES! i wonder if there's a way to play off that name somehow... thanks btw!
This is an interesting piece. Thanks for sharing it!
thank you!
Cool :D Salvadoreee
yesssss! thanks! haha
What software did you use for your work? photoshop bro.
haaaaaaa kramer. lol yeah photoshop. thanks man!!