An amusing write-up which could well fit into the thinking of many at present. I agree, some tokens just appear without any background (my tip would be to stake (if possible) and ignore for now).
In Steem-Engine, there is this symbol which has helped me at times - linking to the tribe, or at least explaining briefly what the token is.
I see you are using #creativecoin and that's good - I didn't want to find a lack of tribe tags and think this one is obviously quite suitable for powerhousecreatives. Perhaps you could spread the message to the community - I saw your resteem of a piece of content with these tags, and think they could also be picking up some CCC tokens.
Thank you for the kind words in the first paragraph :D
A lack of sleep LOL. My brain was just firing on something. That is what I have been doing if it's of an amount. 1 or 2 naa, they can just sit. I know a few that have sold them off and done well. I tried to sell one off, because it is something I will never use or support and got nothing in return which was odd.
I've mentioned it in passing. I wish more would. The 2 really do go well together.