Hi @rentmoney
I wonder how many people still are interested with tribes and SE tokens. It seem to me that since steem-engine has been introduced - nothing really had change and not much improvement took place.
Do you use any tribes website to actually surf through content or to publish your own articles? Just curious.
ps.I've noticed that you've been posting sometimes about crypto, blcokchain and technology. I love those topics as well.
If you would ever publish anything related to technology, economy, marketing, psychology or steemit etc - then send me link in memo. I'm trying to support quality content and I have 2-3 upvotes daily to spare from @project.hope (over 200k SP) i my own account. I will gladly support your publications (as long as they represent solid quality :)
It seems to me there's still interest. Not as much as when it first launched but with all things crypto we have to wait for the FOMO to die down a little before we see its true value.
The site (Steem-Engine) itself is about to undergo a big update. It will look more like traditional exchanges soon. I believe there's an option to run that version in beta mode at the moment but soon it will be implemented for everyone.
I think it would be hard for a multitude of these tribes to flourish as most just get their members from those already on the blockchain. If one can break that mold and bring in their own members that would certainly peak my interest.
Something I thought you would find of interest.
I'm sure you heard of the rumor that TRON is buying Steemit. Below is a quick topic I did on it when I stumbled upon the rumor. I don't say much on it but I have some articles linked and the original source the rumor came from is linked along side an article about a Steemit/Tron partnership from January.