Good info, and thanks for sharing your thoughts on these @abh12345!
Since the whole "for the money" angle seems like a losing proposition, I've been approaching tribes from more of a "what do I LIKE, and what am I INTERESTED in?" angle.
I like PAL, perhaps because it's a catch-all AND it's been around pretty much forever (before there were tokens); I really like CCC because "creativity" is right up my alley (come on, a CAT blog? You HAVE to be creative to keep people interested in THAT, right?); I like LEO, but plan to approach it more from a how to invest in ourselves angle rather than just numbers and charts; poking around at the edges of the "Intrepreneur" (INT) tribe because we're all about working for ourselves... and today there was a CAT token issued! But that's pure entertainment, although it may become a "stake-able" token, in time.
The best approach I think :)
CAT as a stable-token, hmm. As you say in another reply, there is a large market for our furry friends and so who knows!
I am supporting the CAT project, but also well aware that it's more of a "for entertainment purposes only" type of token. That said, I have a lot of respect for @fraenk who's the creator.