I'm finding it all a bit overwhelming to be honest. The creative coin one is a little disappointing. I'd much prefer that it was kept to content relating to more obviously creative things. I've seen it on a whole load of posts which, as far as I can see, have nothing to do with creativity.
I wrote one yesterday about a piece of handmade glass and ended up with a 2% vote worth 0.00 from cn-ccc. Is that related to creative coin? No idea.
So, as I say, for me it's all a bit too much.
Oh yeah. The day before yesterday I got air dropped some God coins and the following day I got air dropped dporn coins. No rhyme or reason in it all. 😂
Made me laugh though.
This is one of the more interesting ones for me. The fiction writing I do, be it good or bad certainly qualifies and some guidelines have been produced but as I mentioned.. where is the line?
Yeah. Fiction is definitely "in" I feel but in terms of writing a personal story I agree, where is the line? I could put it on any number of my posts if just writing about your life qualifies. But I would prefer it takes a bit more than that.
My life is so strange it counts as fiction most of the time, I think I'll add that creativecointag.
Noooooooo. 😂