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RE: Help me to make CTPSB better - Brainstorming

in #tribes2 months ago

I could go either way on the rebrand. Whatever works for everyone else is fine with me.

I like the diesel pool option even if it introduces a but of instability. If you want to make it more inviting to outside investors, they have to have a way to sell quickly. The reward pool option should help with the stability.

I think that drawing it into the Liotes fold in a win, as well. It is seldom a good idea to be a one man show and Zoltan is already familiar with the token and it's philosophy. Liotes has also been a trusted entity and I have confidence it would be a good "home" for this token (in whatever form in ends up taking). It might even be fun to cross pollenate the rewards between the two in some fashion to both increase visibility and interest.



Thanks a lot for taking the time to ponder these ideas. A diesel pool would definitely provide a way for bigger amounts being swapped at all times. This would be a big plus but we would need to build mechanisms that allow to allow the market price to follow the value of the token as it is doing now. I have some ideas in my head regarding that :-)