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RE: Do you read books?

in #tribes4 months ago

I used to read a lot before the illusion of having no time set in...
Before we had home internet, I would regularly go to the library and spend a lot of time there. Especially since they don't let you check out the reference books! I also like other nonfiction but also fantasy and sci-fi.

This is one of a number of books I recently discovered which i6 would very much like to read!


I recently read an 'older' book by Jacques Vallee (sp?) called Confrontations. A very great read investigating first hand accounts, looking at original photographs as well as traveling to the sites in question to see in person. Very scientific in his approach and not sensational.

We cannot jump to conclusions. Much like when people ask me, "Are gnomes evil?"
How can entire species/civilization be evil? (Actually, I would argue that humans are evil!) A gnome, extraterrestrial, Bigfoot, or any individual alien can certainly be evil but should not represent the whole!

In other news, I also have been looking for Pseudoscorpions of Illinois (1949) and apparently PDF versions are widespread online...

Is the Kindle and similar product really so convenient? Is that how my brother in law finished The Expanse series so quickly? Am I gatekeeping myself in the name of being some sort of 3D book purist‽


Is the Kindle and similar product really so convenient?

I have to say that I was against it for quite some time. I love the feel of real paper in my hands. However, the books in my library have become so many that my wife insisted that I try it out and I have to say that it's so cool to buy a book in 3 minutes and start reading it. In addition to that it's much cheaper than paper books.

I remember feeling the same way when touch screen smart phones came rolled out... Look at me now

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