It's pretty stressful hahaha - thinking about which tags to use, which to exclude, and what content to add now there seems to be more attention to some categories of content?
I'll be an 'official' curator for CCC from next week and I'll have to think of guidelines. Fiction to me is creative, a personal story told in a conversational way maybe too, but just a general personal post would probably not be curated by me for CCC - but who knows, I'm still thinking about my guidelines. Also, since I curate from one and the same account, sometimes a CCC upvote might happen anyway :D
Anyway, enjoyable post to read!
That's the thing you see, if there are several official curators for CCC, shouldn't you all be using the same guidelines?
Would this be creative...?
I went for a walk, spotted a dog.. and it looked at me.. I took a photograph..
<<dog photograph>>
Then I walked home and I saw a cat.., it purred and I took a photo.... need I go on?
Alright.. this is extreme, but the photograph is unique and could be 'creative'. Would this be flagged because one curator thinks it is, and another would be indifferent and just ignore it?
With the #sportstalk tribe, its quite clear cut.. but CCC is not.
I'm a professional photographer so for me it's easy to distinguish between a cute snapshot and a photograph that took some effort (someone searched for a great composition and/or edited in a fitting way). But I get what you mean - it's up to each curator to 'decide' of your snapshot of a dog is creative - and maybe today it is, tomorrow it isn't.
It's not that problematic that each curator will find different definitions of what is creative. Why? Because if one curator gives you an upvote and the other 9 all upvote something 'more' creative than there's still 'Proof of Creative' in the end :-)
Also, as the creative community grows, and our VP's get drained easily from all the awesome creative art, posts that are not super 'creative' will get less and less upvotes and eventually fade out.
Just enjoy the CCC you can earn right now and consider curating with it as well :-) Creatives are an important 'motor' in this cold and technical world, and we often find it hard to make a living because our skills are always undervalued and underpaid :-)
I like discussing these things and I see it as a huge learning curve we'll al go through :D Maybe CCC is just the start of a lot of spin-off Tribes that reward a very specific kind of creativity, like 'dog photographs taken on the street' :D