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RE: Steem Engine Tribes Talk

in #tribes6 years ago

I personally think LEO, SPORTS, STEM and CCC have the most potential as communities... in regards to numbers of participants in the future.

DPORN probably has a high financial potential, but who knows. I might hold some of those, but I doubt I'll be to involved in the communities.

SPORTS worries me a bit from financial standpoint because of number of tokens.

LEO needs content improvement, but that is off to a good start and I think will only improve. They are very good in the areas of token management (burning etc.) and that also seems likely to improve with their good leadership.

Haven't looked at CCC much.

DEC seems to be the best currently from an all around standpoint. ALready large community, great use cases, aggressive token management and monitoring.


I agree with the above analysis - dporn content is harsh on the eyes at times but the token could be worth holding onto :)