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RE: Help me to make CTPSB better - Brainstorming

in #tribeslast month

I think tha all these ideas are great ones.
As far as changing the name, I think it's important, and was my first thought for keeping the community going.
I've been around since the beginning of CTP & CTPSB and although I know it's 2 separate projects I still have to remind myself of this when I read the name 'CTPSB'.
Since CTP up and died and left me in a losing way I often get upset when I thnk about things that was born as a result of it, I think about things like are thsoe going to up & die on me too. I know it's all a game of chance, but even CTP was going strong and one couldn't see what happened coming.

Anyways, we must move forward and rebranding & renaming would be goo in my opinion.

As I said, I think that all these ideas are great ones, so push on..... I'm sure the community will support you in your decisions.

As for getting the funds for creating a diesel pool, how about offering 5 or 10 tokens for every bee that others donate to the cause. EX. 5 CTPSB for each BEE or whatever the new token would be. I deffinitely would be incentivised to donate although I would donate for nothing simply because I believe in & support what you do.



The way CTP died, it left a lot of people high and dry and I think it's important to put some distance between this project and that.

Thanks for the idea about the BEE tokens. That could be one way of doing it.