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RE: Getting out of the drama triangle is our ticket out of third dimensional consciousness!

in #tribesteemup7 years ago (edited)

This is an interesting and dangerous metaphysics. I'm not going to argue against any truth which may be in involved in these dynamics but I'm going to touch on the societal element of this with one example (and I could choose millions).
America has the highest rate of incarceration in the history of civilization (as far as I know). It's like this because of a sweeping systemic pathology which has next to nothing to do with the internal dynamics of those incarcerated. Did you know there are those serving life sentences for smoking a joint?
This joint smoking person is not in jail serving life because of reincarnation or psychological metaphysics: he's there at the whims of a psychopathic system of exploitation!
I'm not writing this to bust your balls (so to speak) but I'm tired of 5000 years of dubious speculative metaphysics.
I would grant you that in a generic sense (much like control dramas outlined in The Celestine Prophecy) there is truth to these ideas but we need to be very careful about how we parse them​ out.


Hi, thanks for your interest. This is just plain, recognised psychology. Nothing metaphysical there. And if the people who are making the rules could step outside of this identification with these roles, there would be much less imprissonment.

I've just read the article again and it's clearly steeped in metaphysics. Fine if you want to deny or dismiss this.
Maybe look to psychiatric psychology and what it means to be truly mad and insane which isn't easily reconciled with popular psychology although even the 9-vertical tiers of the Enneagram give a fuller understanding of human pathology and its consequences for society.
To be clear, I'm not saying there is no truth here but it seems very general and sweeping (unjustifiably so) in its scope.
But best wishes to you nevertheless. And yes, I'm a grumpy old hoot tonight:)

I was referring to the drama triangle, that is psychology. It maybe doesn't cover all you would like but I think it is useful.

It's useful for more or less healthy people; say the upper 6 levels of the Enneagram system, but as consciousness spirals down into deep pathology and psychopathy it renders this model redundant. There are truly victims of a brutal pathology out there.