What Anarchy Means To Me
First, a couple hard definitions.
Anarchy: (Greek) - Without ruler.
Government: (Greek, Latin) - Control of mind. Mind control.
To me, Anarchy means we all live by moral codes of our own, as opposed to living under some fictional form of law-writing 'authority' that assigns us our morals. An 'authority' whose rules are invariably enforced through coercion and/or violence, enabling a tiny, pathological sampling of the population to possess and control almost everything while the masses are fooled into doing the labor of supporting the structure of their own enslavement.
Friends, there is an abundance on this planet of which most have no real idea, because most of us don't get to see it from up close. There is enough food for everyone, with surplus to spare. There are enough goods and services produced on this planet to provide every single human on it with a very comfortable and happy existence. In regard to real estate, an article I read several years ago did some simple math using the current population of earth (at that time) along with the square footage of the state of Texas in the US. It turned out that every family on the planet would fit into houses with yards of roughly 67 x 67 feet, all of which could be fully contained within the state of Texas. As silly as this geometric exercise may seem, it's quite illustrative of the fictional nature of what we've been told about 'overpopulation' as it pertains to available space on the planet.
In summary, there's plenty of everything. For everyone.
But over many years we've been increasingly duped into giving our collective power over to the control structure to divvy things out as they see fit. And as result we've been conditioned from childhood to believe that there are people of superior intelligence who run all the big important things and look after our safety and wellbeing for us, because they're way smarter and have figured it all out. Over many generations, we've been systematically hypnotized into complete dependence, and locked down by fear.
Fears such as, without 'authority', what would happen to the roads, electrical power, who would protect us from criminals? Who would produce our food? Who would stop an invading army, who would keep the terrorists away?
To address these fearful questions, let's examine what's happened underneath this overseeing 'authority' to date. I'm not sure about your neck of the woods, but in the area I've lived in for 60 years, the roads are (in general) an embarrassment. If I did my job the way roads tend to be maintained, I'd have gone most of my adult life without a job. Criminals? Like your neighbors, keep at least one well maintained firearm, and know how to use it properly. A criminal assaulting a home in a well armed neighborhood? You wouldn't want to be that criminal. Food? Do you think what you're buying from the grocery store is food? In an anarchical society, we'll grow our own, it's not difficult and won't leave us increasingly sick and dependent upon pharmaceuticals. Invading armies? Governments don't protect from invading armies, they create and activate them. For profit. And control. Without government, armies would never have existed. No spat between neighbors (nor neighboring villages) ever organically erupted into heavily armed mass murder between groups of people from opposing sides of some pretend border. War comes courtesy of government, only. Terrorists? Again, government (mind control group) creates the 'terrorists'. Trains them, arms them, gives them reason to believe they're doing something for the greater good. Like so much else, they're a fear tool, and fear is the most powerful facilitator of control.
OK, this subject gets me out of breath. I've barely scratched the surface of what our 'authorities' provide in the way of organizational services, but what I've listed above should point out that in any scenario involving removal of government, it would be impossible to be worse off than we are now.
So again, what is Anarchy to me? It's self-rule, by natural moral code. It's self responsibility, along with mutual support. It's providing for ourselves, just like all the other species on this planet do. Wanna know what else it is to me? A reintroduction to love. When we're no longer weakened by poisoned food, water and air, when we're no longer programmed, instead thinking clearly and living by moral codes and mutual respect, how can love of one another, indeed love of all, not once again spring forth from the tree of life like an organically grown peach?
Sounds to me like the way we were designed to live.
This series is my contribution to the body of work that is now well in progress around the world. And maybe, just maybe help provide the spark for more to begin implementing the changes that lead us all back to that place of comfort and love, a new Earth, virtually devoid of pain and fear. Together.
It's not easy, but it is simple and wonderful.
It's The Voyage Home.
In Love and Service,
from the Bottom of my Heart
-Logan @aware007