beautiful response to this weeks question.. great that you bring in the 'keeping it real' aspect.. i.e not being totally masked with some sterotype disney version of a perfect sweet light worker! Ive met many that are quite rude too, with all kinds of personal issues..
we cant ignore the dark side, and we must embrace our own.. as i said in my post.. its not about good and bad.. which is inevitable in our polarised universe.. instead it is about Balance!
But it is about the good and bad being done. Otherwise there is no direction for a goal to bring light-good-truth-morality into the world. It's just whatever if it's about recognizing good and bad. Anything goes.
The goal is to balance the knowledge and understanding of good and evil, right and wrong, in order to recognize one from the other. The other balance is to balance ourselves in a scale with truth-morality-good, to align, harmonize and equalize ourselves with truth-love-good-morality, so that we are not the opposite. That's the real balance that needs to be struck.