A road less travelled.

in #tribesteemup7 years ago


The closest store to me now is a 15 minute walk from home. This is the road.
Giving up an OXXO or Starbuck's on every corner is not the right lifestyle choice for everyone...
...and that fact is exactly what keeps this road so clear, calm, and quiet.🌴
Speaking of which...
I have an EARNEST QUESTION to ask you: How often/long are you able to share enjoyable, comfortable silence with other humans? Do you even want to?
Why are we socialized out of quietude?
From the very beginning... ga-ga-goooby-doooh!🍼... there is a rush to fill all silence with noise and nonsense.
And the blathering carries well into adulthood. Just with fancier, poly-syllabic sounds.
But when given the chance to step outside the blaring parade of commerce and neurotic impulse...
...you are greeted by the integrating voice of your own soul, which is too dignified to shout.
I choose this as life. Not vacation. Not retreat. But mindful, peaceful everyday life.
Know your needs, so you can meet your needs. 🦋🌺

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I believe silence between two individuals tends to allow uncomfortable feelings to rise to the surface. That might be what most folks try to avoid... Thus, the talking.

Great observation, @alexlapointe. I agree.

When silence is befriended and shared, what it brings is far from uncomfortable. Deeper bonding. Wordless fluency of eyes and face.

I think humans who have strong attachments with the animal kingdom also understand non-verbal comm better.

As a filmmaker, I wonder how you play with scripted/dialogued scenes, versus non-speaking ones.

I very much agree with silence allowing deeper bonding.
With films, I try to explore and play around with both dialogue and silence. I don't like it when it's all about talking. Silence reveals a lot as well.

The only thing that is better than Quiet is when I see a response from @erikaharris..........

Thanks for making me smile, @stokjockey. 😊