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RE: Fake Anarchists

in #tribesteemup7 years ago

always there for you, when humanity needs a voice of reason. care to rebuttal? or as per usual you will pretend you have an argument, but you will keep it for yourself, because I'm a "belieber"? it seems very weird that you cannot defend your ideas, all you have is "beliebers gonna belieb", but somehow you think you are on some higher moral ground... and not in a sect... well... statists gonna state ;)


statists gonna state ;)

Lol, this is why i gave up on this conversation.
Too many facts getting made up on the fly.

and still can't point even one out of all these facts? Why do you choose to believe in the lies you are telling yourself? it is OK. I am wrong sometimes too. I know you invested a lot of belief and time in this attractive idea... if only it wasn't against humanity... as proven every single time. why do you ignore all human knowledge? when you state these things and show nothing to support it only proves you choose to be willfully ignorant and stubborn. I have everything to support my claims. you have literally nothing... as you keep proving. I'm still waiting for this first rational and coherent argument... after all this time you cannot present anything at all and still ride this high horse? how old are you? it does not help to convince anyone. convince me. I like to learn when I'm wrong. this is how I learned that communism is the most evil idea designed by ancient cult... I did go through this stage. I started learning about spirituslity and I understood we are all one... but it can be easily misunderstood who is "we". I was doing the same... I was upset no one understood... but it was me. you need to respect each path. but since you did not grow up to a discussion and keep stating some delusions you are hallucinating... how can anyone reason with you? you state your feelz like they were facts for everyone... each experience is unique. nobody sees the world as you do. I dont think you are a sociopath? you failed to answer one question out of many... you fail to present anything at all to support your claim... I mean... why not be an adult? why do you hate people for having more skills and being successful and valued more? why do you want to decide for others what they should value and live their lives like you tell them? it seems quite sociopathic but I think you are just confused. you want to be Stalin? the floor is yours. what did I make up? :) all the others who destroy your argument with logic also make up... logic? you can't reply to any of us? why? I don't need facts. I can just use simple questions to make you unable to answer without self contradicting. cognitive dissonance belongs in the previous stage of human evolution. continue waking up. it does not end. you just keep learning ;)
I know how you see communism. it is pretty and attractive. but you assume that this is the purpose of humanity to evolve equally in our needs. we will always be different no matter how evolved.
this is the point where I think you are getting confused. human experience will not be human if we all be wanting the same experience. there is a reason why everything has a different experience from fly, through a dog, retard to a genius. this is the beauty of it. do not assume everyone should be on the same path as yours. we would not be needed anymore. I mean consciousness we are as one experiences subjectively the reality through infinity of ways. if you try to be against this nature... it ends in tragedy... as all actions against nature, which we are a part of... are you catching my drift here? heaven for you could be hell for someone else. you do not get to decide. neither you nor any collective. it is about individual experience. only respecting each path which is as valid as yours. you can only defend yourself from anything that aggresses against your path. like I am doing now ;)

Ok, i may have confused what you have said with another conversation i was having.

It appears i am committed to this one now.
Lets find out where we are.

I will start.
First rule by force comes off the table.
Second, the workers keep working, but stop paying.
Third, life goes on.

If you would care to provide what you disagree with, please try to keep it short, when my answers start having too many convoluted quotes, i tend to check out.

So, if you like, why should the workers continue to play the slave role in wage slavery when they can simply refuse to play along in the bankster dystopia while continuing too do the work necessary to have consumer goods, for free?
