I feel so happy about the many positive responds to this profound question. I feel that there is something going on that allows all of us to peak behind the veil and empower ourselves through that to be the person we wanted to be when we came into this world. Finally, after all the deceiption that tried to prevent us from that.
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I too feel it coming, the trick is to keep ourselves on spiritual high ground, being on the world but not of it, which I am seeing more and more in people around the world.
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If you look at prophecies from the Mayans, Hindus, Nostradamus and others, you see all of them pointing to the year ~2000 with very dark outcomes. However, I don't believe the universe is deterministic (destiny principle) or else free will would not be possible. These prophecies are therefore meant to warn us and create a different outcome. And so we did, the vast majority of prophecies beyond 2000 have not come to fruition and the whole new world order agenda is suffering from a massive awakening. I feel we will experience something the universe has never seen before. An ascension of consciousness on a planetary level. It has already started.
It has indeed.
As I mentioned on another post, I believe what we are seeing now is the darkness coming into the light in order to be healed.
This is what gives me hope. ;-)
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