An interesting question put up by @TribeSteemUp
If I have to answer this question in just one line then very simply I will say that it is the relationship of the Soul that is most vital to long term happiness, then you can give this relationship any name, be it Romance, Friend or Family or even self it does not matter.
But it is not as simple as said because we are so used to giving names to Relationships that we cannot completely accept a nameless relationship. So again this becomes a complicated answer. Every Relationship has its own up and down side. Nothing is ever permanent, no relationship will have the same feeling, same emotion, same bonding for lifelong, hence it is very difficult to say that any one relationship will bring in long term happiness. Even the closest of relationship brings in bitterness at times based on experiences of life. Expecting Happiness from 1 Relationship for lifelong is fooling your own-self by believing that I will eat the same food every day and not get bored :-)
Again here it depends on what s one's definition of happiness. Is it an internal need or an external need?
Relationship with Family, Friends or Romantic
The closest of relations we consider are our Parents, Children, Spouse, Siblings. Do you think any of these relations will bring life long happiness? I do not think so. In each of these relationship there is a certain level of expectation from each other and this somewhere creates a feeling of incompleteness when these expectations are not met. It is almost impossible to live up to each other's expectations all the time. Though the loving relation of a Child and Mother is unconditional but still when Children grow up, they take their own paths and move their own way creating a void in parent's life.
Friends also go and come in our lives. Some friends will be in life forever but finding a long term happiness in a friend is like living mysteriously. Similarly finding happiness in Romantic Relationships is like living a fairy tale where you are in a state of illusion thinking everything is going to be happy ever after.
As soon as we start depending for our happiness on another person be it whatever relationship means giving up our own power of being happy by our-self. No 2nd person can bring happiness in our life forever. Every experience is momentarily when another person is involved. It is time based and it is need based. Yes but at the same time it is true that sometimes even short experiences with people leave you with deep impact on your life enough to change things around you and I do consider such relations as Happy relations no matter how short they are.
Happiness is not about the quantity but quality.
Again it would be very foolish to expect that even the most loving relation will keep you happy at all times. It may most of the time but not all the time. So what is it that you want in life. It is ok to have these ups and downs with your loved ones. some happy moments and some may be not very good moments, but the grow together moments are important.
So I believe that the 1st most important happy relationship is with out own-self and then a relationship of a Soul is the best relation one can have. Again it may not always bring happiness to you all the time but it will surely bring a level of understanding and respect for each other which is equally important. What brings happiness today may be irrelevant tomorrow so happiness is very subjective but what matters is the understanding and the connection between the 2 people who will be there for each other when they need each other and that brings happiness to one's life knowing that there is some one out there who will always be there for me.
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Sage advice there, as long as you are in good terms with yourself all else will just fit into place.
Perfectly said. Thank you
l loved your response and it would have been mine too. The question assumed happiness starts with others, and that simply isn't true.
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So true, it's all within. If one is happy and contended with self, nothing can shake you. Thank you
Well said! And I agree with you it is the connection between people and the understanding, love and respect they have that can bring happiness and to be grateful for that happiness and cherish it while it is there but to know that everything is impermanent and that too will pass!
Nothing is ever permanent and if we can accept that life becomes smooth and easy flowing, but yes our attachments hook up so much that it becomes difficult to execute it in real at times
I think it depends entirely on the quality of them. The titles are social conventions really.
Yes, the titles are all made by us, what matters most is the quality of the relation. Thank you