Seeking Safety In A Dangerous World

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


The ONLY thing any of us can know for certain, is “I AM”.

In the grand illusion of infinite individuality only two things really exist; Self and Other. In ALL of the classical philosophies which brought forth the religions of the world, we find at its deepest and most poignant the question has always been; "How did self and other begin?"

Hindu, Buddhist, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, Islam, Christian, Jewish, Indigenous Native, on and on to every tribe of the world, this question is a fundamental basis of understanding who we are, and why we are here. All minds eventually ask the question; “What is this and where did it come from?” In essence, the deeper form of the question is really "Who am I? How did I come to be?"

A common answer is indeed found throughout all these philosophies. They all touch on the same idea. It is an idea reflected from our own experience of “being nowhere and then suddenly being”. Moving from unconsciousness to consciousness. Nothing and then something. This is easily recognized as the simple experience of waking up. It is the mind realizing itself and stating; “I AM” and therefore it is.

There is a Native American concept that the Creator first dreams of its self and from that dream becomes real. In Sufi, Hindi, and Buddhist there is “The dream and the observer of the dream”. Biblically it is “Let there be light, and there was light.”

Are we going from the one dimensional “I” into the two dimensional “I AM”, into the three dimensions of “I AM HERE”?

Another way to consider this ancient concept is to ask; “What is one dimension?” Can we imagine it? No we cannot. The act of observing it creates the second dimension. “I” becomes “I AM”. Singularity becomes Duality. When we are unconscious nothing exists but unconsciousness.

Duality is actually the child of singularity. It was the second thought of the Cosmos. It is the part that is expressed as “AM”. Contrary to some popular modern ideas, there is nothing actually wrong with Duality. We are not here to escape it and get back to singularity. Duality creates the infinite experience for every single part of the Universe.

Neale Donald Walsch wrote something very valuable in his book Conversations With God. While asking his Creator the very same question; “Why must I be separate from you?”; The voice answered, “I can only know myself through you.” A beautiful and deeply moving realization of duality.

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras pondered this same concept and realized “Two exists in order to create one. One exists in order to create two.” God creates Us and We create God. This is some of the deepest forbidden knowledge of the ancients. A person could be put to death trying to explain this concept because in essence it proclaims that we are both creator and created. WE ARE GOD.

We are in fact not separate. Individually we are as infinite as the Cosmos. Unanimously we ARE the Cosmos. We are eternal. And though we change and transform as we travel through the Great Dream, exploring different experiences as we create our selves into being, harm can never truly befall us. We are all part of the whole, and being that, we are all absolutely safe.

Our imagination or ‘Dream Mind’ can sure take us places that may convince us that we are in danger, but that is just part of the cosmic fun. That is part of the true adventure! The greater being within each of us loves the nature of Duality, it creates the fascinating context that enables us to have our unique individual experience.

-And sometimes we get the best of both worlds. We all get to take a nice break from ourselves and hang out within the Singularity.

Peace, Love and Truth,



Great article. I needed this reminder today. Taking things much too seriously.

Much Love @indigoocean.

Thank you for your post. It isn't easy at this time in the human experience to NOT take things too seriously. Keep hold of the things that inspire love and creativity within yourself. Laugh at it all, it is after all pretty damn hilarious.

Treat your inner Universe to some goodness. Just remember you are infinite and you are safe.
