
I am fully aware of how these things work. I've been a victim myself several times but unlike you I got the flag detail. Once you say something that someone doesn't like they instantly hop on over to your blog and investigate every little detail there until their heart is content. Then they flag every potential post you may have pending a pay out....though that has nothing to do what so ever with why they got upset with someone....then they go back and use whatever they gathered about you to slander you to the best of their ability with the information they accumulated. Some of them I've seen some crazy commitment to getting back at you for an going through every post you made for months looking for something disparaging against you, they'll even bring up stuff you had a dust up with someone else without even realizing you and that someone else got past whatever your differences was. It all sounded way to familiar to me. He, like what happened two, three times with me, scoured through all your stuff to find a reason to retaliate for a difference of opinion, only difference was I usually got flagged all my post but you had your upvote taken.

Sorry you went through this. Its a complete scam and they are making sure influencers tow the official line. Its a psychopath op for sure. Better off without. I think Steemit in general is anti freedom because everyone is agreeing with each other to get upvotes all the time!

I don't even necessarily think they are all even agreeing on the content written they are all just agreeing to upvote each other regardless of the content. I highly doubt they read even a minimum of the stuff written, it's a giant circle jerk.

No of course not, everyone blowing smoke up each others arse and sucking up to King Kenny You only have to look at the comments here of his disciples!

Well stated.

What's your point in sharing this post? This guy had some big anger issues and was conflating things like how a curation trail worked, thinking he had it stolen, and not even arguing over facts. He's a big ass when reading this. If anyone doesn't want to support your posts or you as a poster, that's their choice to not support who they don't want to support. Did he even get one single downvote from Kenny or TSU? What's the point of this repost, seriously?