TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people, it is the start of another wonderful week here on Steemit and one great way to start that week off is to be inspired, motivated and informed. I believe these following articles will do just that, great Articles from some of the members of TribeSteemUp that really embody what the Tribe stands for. And what is that I hear you say?

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to live by and adhere by. You can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 20 articles to share with you all today, articles that encourage us to look and dig deep, to reflect and learn. Included within these fine selection of articles, is a great contest put forward by one member of the tribe @eftnow, as well as the opportunity to get your hands on some free music as @elamental new album has been released online, where he speaks his truth and shares his awareness. A real gift indeed. Also @mountainjewel will be hosting a new radio show on permaculture, something I am very excited about. And to top it all off @eco-alex has started an amazing cooking challenge, that is all about taking back control of your health.

For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

The Nature of Dance | #1 - "I have no idea where to start..."


A million things can be said about the importance of dancing - something I would never have considered possible before I went to my first psychedelic trance festival.
In dance there are no hangups and no mindfucks, there is nothing to be solved and nothing is ever out of place unless our minds have put it there. In this guide I will attempt to put into words something that goes far beyond them. If you want to do it "right" you simply turn on some music and not read this series. Because the significance of dance is based on the experiential, not on the intellectual.
Reading a thousand books about sex will not be able to relay to you what it is like. Same with cooking, surfing, singing... dancing.

It's You Versus You, The Other is a Projection


Of the people that I observe on a day to day basis, there seems to be a recurring theme to their conversations.
This is the theme of "I'm being watched"
Or perhaps it's more of a "I need to prove myself"
Or maybe even "I should do what I am expected to do"
In emotional terms it feels a bit like "I'm not entirely comfortable, so I'm trying to gauge what makes other people feel OK, so that I can do that and feel OK too".
I conferred with my own life experience and found that yes indeed I have lived through those exact states of being. In essence it's a need for acceptance and approval for my own behavior. It makes sense really - because clearly I can't take responsibility for myself. Without being controlled I might revert back to my natural state, which is presumably immoral, wrong, and dangerously unknowable in it's outcome.
These are underlying motivators for human behavior. These motivators are sometimes the conscious thought stream, or it could be more of a subtle subconscious thing. Some people are oblivious to what drives their behaviour, others are aware of it but still live out the program. A precious handful of people know about these urges and experience them, but instead they act of their own volition.

How Much Anger is 'Normal'? The Role of Anger in Evolution And Maintaining Free Will / Balance.



Some of us are very firmly oriented towards being 'anti anger' - because... 'anger is bad', 'anger is dangerous', 'anger causes problems' and 'I want to be positive'. However, anger is actually a form of love that moves to protect us and keep us alive - allow me to explain..
When emotions are allowed to be as they are - they generally fulfil a role that helps us. If though, instead of accepting them as they are, we mentally judge them with unloving thinking that twists them into what we say they are instead of what they truly are in their natural state - they can become dysfunctional. The reality on Earth is that most of us have so denied our emotions' true state that we have little idea left of what they really are! It takes a strong intent and dedication to increasing self awareness and cleaning up our energy field and thought processes for us to have a chance at knowing what our real feelings are.

Seeking Safety In A Dangerous World


The ONLY thing any of us can know for certain, is “I AM”.
In the grand illusion of infinite individuality only two things really exist; Self and Other. In ALL of the classical philosophies which brought forth the religions of the world, we find at its deepest and most poignant the question has always been; "How did self and other begin?"
Hindu, Buddhist, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, Islam, Christian, Jewish, Indigenous Native, on and on to every tribe of the world, this question is a fundamental basis of understanding who we are, and why we are here. All minds eventually ask the question; “What is this and where did it come from?” In essence, the deeper form of the question is really "Who am I? How did I come to be?"

Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest 2018


It is very common for people who are unhappy with the system to be angry and want to destroy the system and the government to create a better society. This approach often times would make people feel like they will never achieve the results they want because we are fighting this level consciousness is something that cannot be killed through outside forces. Always comes back. What is video offers is real and sustainable change through looking inside and changing the operative system in our minds.
This recording took place in Delton, Michigan during the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest of 2018. I had the honor to be invited as a speaker and share space with a wonderful crowd.
We hope you enjoy

Life isnt a straight line


Sometimes I am very lost. Right now I am. The more I follow my passion, the more I walk on the unknown ground and some days it feels like I am flying without seeing where to land. I don’t know where I am heading. But I can see the possibilities and that they are many.
Sometimes I am losing the connection with my life around me. The relationships I have are in need of a new definition. I feel that I am longing for a new way to live. My inner thrive is toward a focused work routine and freedom from rules and expectations.
I think the moment we start to feel uncomfortable or irritated with someone, we have given it up on some level. When we rather spend time away from each other than with, we are looking for something else. To be totally honest, this period right now is one of the most challenging I have had so far. And somehow I feel like giving up certain relationships.

The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 2 Guidelines: Cooking For The Liver & Gallbladder / Wood Element


Welcome to the second week of this medicinal cooking collective challenge! I'm very happy that so many of you have joined us for this challenge, there are so many amazing cooks out there, wow! If you missed the first week, we are cooking dishes based on the Five Elements' Theory of Chinese Cooking. In Chinese medicine and cooking, it’s believed that if you are weak or ill in certain parts of your body or organs, you should consume certain colours/elements of food to help you feel better and improve your health.
This week we are cooking with the Wood Element, which is good for the liver and the gallbladder. The colour associated with the liver and gallbladder is Green and the taste associated with it is Sour. It is also associated with the emotion of Rage. The dishes we make will be good for the liver and gallbladder and will reflect the attributes of the Wood Element.

The European Migrant Crisis: A Tale Of Cause And Effect And An Engineered Clash Of Civilisations



“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell
The Migrant Crisis
This post is a bit of side step from my recent writing, but I’ve been asked by several people to cover this issue and so I have decided to take the bull by the horns. Today I’m going to take the opportunity to discuss the hugely divisive, emotive and controversial subject of the European migrant crisis. Firstly a preface to this post (and I hate living in a world where I need to clarify this) I am not approaching this from a remotely racist ideology. I treat every person I meet (regardless of skin colour, religion and sexuality) the way I want to be treated, as an individual. In an age of a million shades of grey, I refuse to perceive the world in black and white and to fall victim to generalisations and identity politics..

Make Yourself Available And Don't Fear Change


In this video I am talking about my personal experience of leaving my old life behind me and start anew. This thought alone might scare many of you but making yourself available to the world will create many opportunities for you that would have otherwise never be able to happen.

The D-Files: 4 Months of The D-Files Celebration - 200 STEEMPOWER DELEGATION GIVEAWAY!


Greetings Steem Stars!
Welcome to this special episode of the D Files with @bobaphet and @eftnow where we are going to give away a 200 STEEM POWER delegation for 3 months.
We re-cap some of the areas that we've explored over the last four months and then unleash the requirements to enter this giveaway.
To enter the competition you need to:
Upvote this post
Resteem this post
Carry out the task that @bobaphet announces during the episode
All answers must be received within the 7 day curation period of this post.
The decision and delegation will be announced in the next episode!
We're looking forward to your responses and delegating the 200 SP!
So that it makes a bigger difference, we want to give the delegation to someone with either Plankton or Minnow status. Whales, Orcas and Dolphins are welcome to take part. If you win, you can choose a Minnow or Plankton account to receive the delegation.

Marx, Marxism, and the Environment


Most of my environmental articles here on Steemit have primarily focused on environmental conditions under capitalist, rather than communist, regimes, with the exception of my post on the draining of the Aral Sea. This has been in great part because the environmental damage tends to be fairly similarly severe in both communist and capitalist regimes, but it's actually fairly important to address, since the form it takes can sometimes be quite distinct, and strategies for confronting environmental problems cannot be one-size-fits-all. They must both address the unique environmental conditions in each region, as well as the unique political and social conditions.

What's Really Going On? - 3 principles conference edition - part 2


✨Free✨ Permaculture Radio Show (and why we permaculture in the first place!)



Hey Folks! Let's talk about our Permaculture roots and an exciting new radio show we're hosting through Global Homestead Collective on Tuesdays 4-5PM CST!!
Most of our content is heavily influenced by our views, thoughts actions and experiences, but it can be all too easy to pass over the of courseness of certain things. (Like why we permaculture in the first place! - like how I made it into a verb?!)
A thread that weaves through both Wren's and my adult life is Permaculture. Our studies and travels following this thread have shaped our outlooks, approach and understandings of the natural world. In turn, our collective and individual influences have evolved. This is part of our personal permaculture you could say, what some call zone 0.
Furthermore, Permaculture is often not shared for free in an organized way! Sure people write about it all over the internet, but the courses themselves range in the thousands of dollars and necessitate spending a week or two away from your life. Let's face it, that's not accessible!



I know everyone has been waiting in anticipation of my album release for some time, so here it is, @elamental's first hip-hop album, The Hex Wrecker, yours to be - free and clear, no strings attached. Currently there are two audio download/streaming sites I have uploaded the album to, Bandcamp & Soundcloud, click either link below to get my free album:
I would reccmend downloading from Bandcamp over Soundcloud, as Bandcamp allows you to DL the entire album at once, where with Soundcloud you have to DL each track individually. On Bandcamp click "BUY DIGITAL ALBUM". You will see a little pop-up when you hit DL on Bancamp that attempts to get you to donate at least a dollar for the album, that is Bandcamps's doing, not mine, and you can easily skip over that frame and get it for free. Just put in $0.00 in "name your price", and then click "download to your computer" at the bottom right of the pop-up. After being redirected to the next page, click "download" again.


Ceremonial cacao is not like your average cup of hot chocolate. No, no, no….Ceremonial Cacao is MEDICINE. A medicine that helps to open up your heart space, energize you, and boost your mood….it just happens to also be delicious!
About two years ago, I had no idea what cacao was. I didn't even know there was a difference between the hot cocoa (“co-co”) I used to drink as a child, and this raw, organic, dark chocolate drink we call cacao (“ca-cow”). But then I went to my first Cacao Ceremony, and learned first-hand the beautiful benefits of this magical medicine. And then, about a year later, I travelled to Guatemala where I began working with Keith, the Cacao Shaman, and I dove even deeper into my relationship with this incredible heart-opening medicine. Since then, I’ve began dedicated a lot of my life to working with cacao, and sharing its magic with the world.

Being OK with exactly where we are right now


The journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-healing is surely a long one, with many highs and lows, periods of flowing & rapid transformation balanced periods of challenge and confusion. One of the biggest pieces of continuing to do the work through all of this (and feeling good the whole way), is the practice of not judging ourselves for where we are right now.
Since the end of 2017, I've been feeling a distinct lack of clarity about how I should be moving forward, which facets of myself should be my main focus... who I am. When I started my life of trust & travel, I set clear intentions of self-healing and service to others, and had no per-conceptions of how that would unfold. I just trusted in my guidance, and following the flow of excitement & pushing my edges, and things grew exponentially."

The Value of Art



Right now there's a lot going on in the world, and specifically within my country, that is causing a lot of suffering for a lot of people. My country causes a lot of suffering for people all around the world, to be honest.
But in all countries, there is so much corruption, greed, cruelty and destruction. People are poisoning the land they need to grow food on, the water they need to drink and the air they need to breathe, all in the name of short-term "profits" and this is going on all around the world. As a result of this and much more, people are suffering and living with worry as a daily companion.
In times like these it can seem that there is no room for art. Why buy a painting when the money could be used to pay for a lawyer to help reunite a family? How can a piece of pottery rank beside the possibility of helping fund the digging of a well somewhere?



I've always been enthralled with sight, with observing. Binoculars and telescopes still remain a wonder to me. It is not uncommon while walking with the dogs down by the river that I'll stop and gaze, enthralled, with some display of wondrous light, or some phenomenal color from a thistle, or the flicker of a butterfly among the verdant green beneath the trees. Ah yes, sight, vision. What a miracle, is it not?
And yet... and yet, there is a greater vision we can behold. Insight. An inner vision. An inner awareness. A growing, evolving, illuminating consciousness. Trees not only have leaves, they have spirits! Ducks become beautiful testimonies of vibrant life. And when walking down by the river, other visions appear. One can "feel" the energy of trees. One considers what visions a butterfly might have as it flits along. And in addition to seeing the verdant green beneath the cottonwoods, one can sense an entire living world just beneath ones feet. And one can, on special occasions, experience all boundaries of "self" dissolve and one becomes ONE with all living things, with the earth itself. These are just a few of the incredible joys of experiencing higher consciousness. The Cosmos awaits. And it can be ours to experience.

Manipulating the Meaning of Words to Manipulate the Mind and Behavior


Etymology is currently defined as the study of the origin of words and how their meaning has changed over time. But etymology is etymologically defined as the study of the true sense or meaning of words.
The etymology of etymology is:
from Greek etymologia "analysis of a word to find its true origin," properly "study of the true sense (of a word)," with –logia "study of, a speaking of" + etymon "true sense," neuter of etymos "true, real, actual," related to eteos "true".
This is the original meaning. To see what a word was created to represent. Even if a meaning changed over time, a word was once invented, and when it was invented an meaning was applied to it, and that is the original true meaning that it was invented to represent.
Etymology is looking at the true meaning of words as they were originally created and imbued with meaning. The true meaning related to the origin of the word.

Why Natural Birth Is So Important!


How can we ever know how powerful our bodies are if we do not trust in their abilities, to create, to birth and to heal!
Each one of us are limited by our own self belief, our own self doubt. Doubt that has been put on us, down through generations. When we were told that we needed to listen to others over ourselves.That in order to really gain knowledge we had and still have to follow the 'experts'. We have to be able to prove our point by referencing some one else's point of view.
This huge shift away from self, leading us away from our inner wisdom and putting the focus outwards, directing us towards others to solve our problems and give us all the answers.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


Wow! Thank you for rounding up and presenting this marvelous selection of what I would call conscious content! Very refreshing change from the typical fare I come across here...

Bright Blessings!

thank you @whitelightxpress, I am very happy to hear this, bright blessings to you too.

Thanks so much for this roundup. I've got my reading list set for the next couple days now! 😊

you are very welcome @indigoocean xx enjoy xx

So much good stuff in here and thanks for featuring our giveaway competition. XX

You are very welcome Sam, You are doing such great things on here and the competition is very much a part of all that xx

Love it when you bring me back down to earth. xx

anytime Dan, anytime xx

Aw Trucklife... I feel really honored to be one of your choices this week. It was a very nice surprise.

That touched my heart and brought some mist to my eyes.

Thank you

You are very welcome @steemer-x, it is a great article so it was easy to include it, I really try and show how wonderfully diverse the Tribe is xx

This is wonderful and I am so happy to see how much you have grown in this past 1 month. Your rep is 62 wowwww amazing! and this initiative that you are a part of is brilliant. Good luck love!

Ah thank you so much beautiful Sharoon, so happy to see you back on here xx

I was truly touched by @vegan.niinja's post, I felt so much recognition and we all have these doubts about some of our relationships once in a while.

But well, I see I have more reading to do if those are half as good as her post :')

thank you @soyrosa, yes @vegan.niinja's post is very honest and beautiful, she really shared a part of herself there. Enjoy the other articles xx