What Does Being Aware Mean To The TribeSteemUp Community- TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question

What Does Being Aware Mean To you?

This question was put forward by @enjoyinglife and for me personally, it was a huge one. It took me a while to actually get to the point where I felt happy to sit and write about it, because I really did not know how to begin answering it. I chose to approach this question from the point of view of what I am aware of in my life. Other authors chose to write about the different types of awareness and how it affects them. We had so many different responses to this question and it really helped to broaden my overall awareness.

20 authors that are part of @Tribesteemup chose to answer this question and each of those articles reflect the great diversity within the community. It is a very personal question, which allows us to get to know each of the authors a little bit more. Each author has brought their own style and uniqueness to their answer. So take the time to read these enlightening posts and ask yourself 'What Does Being Aware Mean To Me?'

What does awareness mean to you? TribeSteemUp's QOTW


We live in a sensory world we're we're pulled this way and that by sensations that are the result of sensory experience. The weather's too hot, we retreat indoors and long for the cold. We wake in the morning with frost on the grass and long for summer. A lover rejects us, and in exquisite pain, we douse ourselves with the soma of wine to forget, or dance naked with other lovers to feel again and again. We feed hungers, run from perceived threats, retreat into caves of our own making, sweat and run on the hamster wheel of modern life with elevated pulses and a sense that something isn't quite right. And if we're lucky, we stumble across a thought, a method, a truth that screams at us: 'awaken! you thought you knew, but you're dreaming!'.

What Being Aware Means to Me: My Answer to the Tribe Steem Up Bi-Weekly question



I will start off by saying that what being aware means to me is definitely not sleeping only 10 out of the last 48 hours like I have done these past couple days. Pushing yourself to accomplish more is great, and often necessary if you really want to advance in life. I once heard an emcee say "if you want to be successful, then you must sacrifice sleep". While this is absolutely true, it is also vital that your body receives the proper amount of rest, so your mind can be fully aware, and you can feel rejuvenated.

What Does Being Aware Mean To You? TribeSteamUp Question of the week


So what does it mean being aware?
I have been thinking about this question lately, and honestly, I have been struggling with how to put it into words.
Basically, for me, awareness has two meanings to me: Being aware means being alive, because the pure core of our being, is the naked awareness. Without the awareness in us, we would not exist. The other way to explain what being aware it is by observation and our attention.
But it is interesting, to be aware of the awareness because then the awareness is pulled back to yourself, the awareness itself. To go even deeper, it means the universe being aware of itself. Because that is what the universe is, and what we are.

What Does Being Aware Mean to You? TribeSteemUp Biweekly Question


Being aware to me means to be in the moment. That is the short answer to that question. When you are in the moment you are aware of what is happening around you.
You experience life itself best at the moment because you hear what is happening right now in existence and not when you think about the future or the past which are just illusions.
But there is also another form of being aware and that is being aware of some circumstances for example that you are aware that SBD is currently worth around $1.25.

My Answer to What Does Being Aware Mean To You (posed by @tribesteemup)


Being aware is being in the moment. If we concentrate we can be aware of the fact that it is just you and the moment and the rest of the world doesn’t matter.
I am going to demonstrate this by writing a stream of consciousness piece of what I am doing right at this moment…
At this moment, I am sat in the place that my daughters and I call the beautiful place. It is a little piece of greenery with a couple of benches and pretty trees with traffic all around.
I am sat here watching one seagull and its minions who are pigeons.

What Being Aware Means To Me-TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question



I feel like I need to condense all of my posts/articles here on Steemit into one, in order to answer this question. My goal coming on here was to help share My awareness with others. When I talk about my awareness I really mean my truth. That which I know to be true for me and how I live. It is my path in my life and I am not here to tell anybody else what to do, I am here to share and to learn alongside others.
It would be very hard for me to voice awareness for anybody else, unless we are talking about how globally we are living in a time where there is a dominant worldview over nature. That is something that I am hugely aware of and which has a huge affect on everyone.

WHAT BEING AWARE MEANS TO ME. (My answer to TribeSteemUp's current bi-weekly question.)


I tried to think of a question that's bigger than this one, and I could not!
I mean, even the other usual mind-benders, like:
"What's the meaning/purpose of life?" or
"How does one really become free?"
... even those allow you to just place your focus
directly on the question-at-hand, and then try...
But this one gets meta.
It makes me aware of my awareness.
Which feels a little like trying to drive a car, from the back-seat.
It's really hard to explain! Trying to describe awareness first scrambles,
and then detonates, my mind.

What Does Being Aware Mean To You? My Answer to the Tribe Steem Up Bi-Weekly question


To me being aware means being aware of the following:
We are conscious human beings who are able to observe and are separate from our thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
Our thoughts are only representations of reality and may not reflect reality itself and these thoughts are also tools that we can use and not use depending on the situation.
Feelings and emotions (even unpleasant ones) may point to what is most important to us in our lives

Being Aware As Striving For Freedom - TribeSteemUp Question


It's a skill I'm slowly learning. I started out as an application developer for the corporate world and I developed an ability to zone in and block out noise. It's a good skill but it's detrimental.
But being aware for me is
always vigilant
watching out for my family and friends
...like a deer with perked up ears
And on some occasions it means:
learning, researching, verifying
so you don't end up like a deer caught in the headlights

What does being aware mean to you?' @tribesteemup biweekly question


Being aware is multifaceted. There are so many kinds of awareness that relate to ourselves as well as the world around us. For some, awareness also extends beyond this world and incorporates the entire universe and our connections to the cosmos.
To me, being aware starts with self awareness. This means knowing who I am, and then having an understanding of my internal world which is made up of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Being aware of our internal world is an ongoing process and can take ever deeper and refined levels.

What being aware means to me?- TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly question


Being aware is a gift. A gift that was given to me so I can pass it onto other people. This gift allows people, including me, to live with the truth and not waste their life. It allows me to live a life other would not understand but will try to understand when they see how beautiful it is. Truth is beautiful. I don't say I know everything, but the journey is beautiful. So I must say that seeking truth is beautiful. Gaining knowledge makes you feel alive. Makes your whole life meaningful.

On Being Aware - TribeSteemup Bi-Weekly Question


Awareness is our most essential nature, and through introspection and self inquiry we can come back to this fundamental essence. There is the personality, the body, our thoughts, our emotions, sensations, and so many projections and programs that we are living in and through. What is the fundamental thing that ties all of this together? Is there one essential quality that pervades all of the varied and opposing experiences of life? We can use the self inquiry tool to ask these penetrating questions, eventually coming closer to the more fundamental questions, and eventually coming closer to what is real.

What is it to be aware?


This question has had me at a loss since it was proposed.

Were the question, what is it to be awake, that would have been simple.
I would've just pulled out the infowar and how not being aware that rule by force is a suboptimal management technique means that you are losing the battle for your mind.But the question is to be aware.
I think being aware encompasses much more than being awake.
One can be awake that the fed is a fraud, or that satanists are ruling the planet, but still not be aware that others are just as much people as you, each with their own right to be free from your oppression.

'What does being aware mean to you?' @tribesteemup biweekly question


Awareness is Gold!
It means consciousness and it's the reason why we make this whole journey here on earth.
Our consciousness gathers treasures of awareness during our lives on earth and it's the only thing that remains when we go from life to life. Hopefully getting your treasure chest more filled up with every life. The treasures are the lessons we have learned by moving through an experience with our consciousness and by that, learning to discern that which serves love and our evolution in love and that which does not. That is a whole mouthful!

What Does Being Aware Mean To You?


When you raise awareness about something you are highlighting a problem and looking for ways to change it and make things better. Educating both oneself and spreading that knowledge to others in the hope that the solution can be found.
This doesn't just extend to world problems though. Being aware of things that are helpful to others, such as sharing knowledge of alternative medicines or how to grow food with as little impact on the planet, learning more about each and every aspect and sharing that knowledge is just as powerful.

What Awareness Means to Me: Answering the TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question


One can speak of awareness in terms of a personal level, as increased awareness will shed light on how our thoughts, beliefs, and actions affect our perception of the world. Awareness can also refer to our understanding of the interconnectedness of our world.
Whether it's the way in which our consumer products our made, how our economy is structured, or how our participation in various systems play a role in our world, awareness can mean having our eyes open to the way our world functions.

"What Does Awareness Mean To You?" - TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question


I think that the most important form awareness is awareness of self. Knowing our desires, our fears, our body's needs, our limits, and our potential are all wildly important to have a successful (as in joyous and love-filled) life!
The more aware we are of ourselves and all that makes us up, the more capable we are of practicing self-care, the more likely we are to keep ourselves out of unhealthy situations, and the less likely we will do things that negatively affect others.
Awareness of Self, awareness of our ego, awareness of our traumas & triggers, awareness, awareness of our beliefs & assumptions, these things are all powerful tools for understanding what we do and having more conscious control over it.

What Does Awareness Mean To Me | @TribeSteemUp Question


As I’m out here picking wild blackberries, I’m painfully conscious and aware of sensations like sun, thorns and wind.
I’m considering what awareness means and I realize a large part of it is about feedback. I see Awareness as a web of interconnected relationships, sensations and feelings, and the intersection of those is what I call awareness.
I am aware of what I feel, aware of my past experiences and understand that this awareness is based on relationships. A relationship to place, a relationship to time and space, and a relationship to my body brain and spirit.

What does awareness mean to you?? My answer to the Tribesteemup bi-weekly question...


This is my response to the Tribesteemup bi-weekly question "What does awareness mean to you?". There are so many different levels to being aware that I'm finding this question pretty difficult to narrow down. But regardless, I'd like to talk about a few types of awareness that I think about a lot on my day to day...
Sensory Awareness: This one is a mixed bag for me but I work on it daily. I think because I am a musician, I often times catch myself running music through my head instead of paying attention to my surroundings! It's kind of comical. It takes me a while to map out a new city or remember landmarks.

Tribesteemup Question: What Does Being Aware Mean To Me?


There are different levels and consciousnesses of being aware.
For this post I am going to focus on self and (my) spatial because for me, these two go hand-in-hand in my life and world.

To be aware you have to know about your surroundings; whether where your back up candles and batteries are located in case of an electrical power outage so you don't bump into furniture while searching or even knowing who is a regular person in your neighbourhood.

What Is TribeSteemUp

The TribeSteemUp project, was created over 11 months ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that explore ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that are part of TribeSteemUpare produce high quality articles , which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

@kennyskitchen created 8 Pillars for TribeSteemUp which are the fundamental principles guiding our conduct toward ourselves, toward one another, toward others, and toward the Earth. These 8 pillars really are all about living in awareness.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating this amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.



Great question, great answers. Sorry I missed this one.


thank you @truthabides, they are great answers indeed, hopefully you will get involved in some in the future.

wow an incredible array of answers. thanks, as always, for compiling them in one place <3

cheers @mountainjewel, I have still a few to read myself, such a great question xx

hey sir please saport me on steemit platform

Oh no! How did I miss this!
I really need to get better informed.
Can somebody please direct message me and invite me to the Discord server? imp.unity#5992 !
Anybody in the family with the power to add to the Discord server please do so! <3
I would have really loved to be a part of this in a timely manner x

hey @imp.unity you need to accept my friend request on discord before I can send you an invite. Sorry you have missed out on the questions, hope to see you soon in the discord group xx

Thanks so much!
I'm really looking forward to these next questions that ask us to let our minds drift in contemplationHi @trucklife-family ! I have done so and just sent you a message!