What Does TribeSteemUp Mean To The Tribe? TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Tie Up Post

in #tribesteemup7 years ago (edited)

This Weeks Biweekly Question was put forward by @Elamental and I think that I speak for all of the tribe when I say that this question was a real pleasure to answer.

It is always so great to read posts that are really positive and written out of love. Having the opportunity to write this post really helped to unite the Tribe even further. So Thank you @elamental for giving us the opportunity to express our thanks and the opportunity to pour even more love and goodwill in to this amazing Tribe.

Community is so important and having the support of your Tribe really helps you to take those leaps of faith that we need to take, in order to move forward. The Earth needs us to be united, united in common heartfelt resolve.

TribeSteemUp is a Tribe of people who care, who care about the Earth and all life living on it. A tribe who show respect and compassion and are not afraid to question and stand up for what is right. This is what unites us, this and our desire to bring about positive change in the world.

So much gratitude to @kennyskitchen for creating the Tribe and bringing all of us together. I am super excited for what lies ahead and the potential that we all have in creating change in the world. The changes we make collectively will have far reaching reprecussions in the world.

All things are possible when we stand together.

So much thanks to @jamesc for his very generous delegation, allowing each member to be rewarded for their contributions towards helping to create change.

What Does TribeSteemUp Mean To Me? BiWeekly Question


The world is changing. Awareness is spreading and I have experienced it, first hand, here on Steemit. People from all over the world, from different backgrounds, different cultures and belief systems, they are coming together and sharing their skills and their wisdom. They are engaging with one another, making connections, breaking down walls. Moving forward together, learning together.
Yes there is the incentive to earn some money, but even more is the sense of community that is on here. I have been lifted up by people from all over the world, lifted up by their kind words and their support and distant healing.

TSU Weekly Question: What does TribeSteemUp mean to you? [Dabbing with a Mage episode 145]


TribeSteemUp puts together a weekly question where everyone gets a chance to answer this question in their own way. This is an opportunity for all of us to learn from one another and see how others with similar goals think about the same topic. Today's question is "What does TribeSteemUp mean to you?" Join me in today's episode where I cover my thoughts and feelings about what TSU means to me!

What Does Tribe Steem Up Mean to Me?: Care-ation & Shared Purpose


There is no way I would have stayed on Steemit if it wasn't for the connections I've made with others on this platform. You're told right from the beginning that it's about community, and if you don't realise that early on and build those community connections, then you are clearly here for the reward pool only, which to me seems to result in the greedy use of bid-bots, spam comments and a pretty desolate life here in the Steemiverse. Because we're meant to connect, us human beings, and we're meant to learn and grow from each other.

Tribesteemup QOTW- What Does @tribesteemup Mean To You(Me)?


And he even created eight pillars that group members either lived by, worked by and had come to appreciate, embrace and learn from nature.A couple of months ago when I realized I had been nominated and accepted by @kennyskitchen into the @tribesteemup community, and family, I was ecstatic, overwhelmed by being chosen and excited to have such a great community of support. In one of his posts from three months ago, he said I created a container called @TribeSteemUp, with the purpose of supporting, connecting, and inspiring content creators working toward a more peaceful, harmonious, loving world

What Is TribeSteemUp You Ask Me?


Tribesteemup Means Hope
3 months ago, we were supposed to go overseas but it didn't happen. We were disappointed as a family and I didn't post for about 4 days trying to recoup from stress.
I've been on and off writing under informationwar tag to support the truth. But mostly I write about our family, homesteading/gardening/permaculture.
When I thought my posts are not worth anything and not helpful to anyone, I get a tribesteemup upvote. I was thankful and counted it as a one-off fly-by-night upvote. Until it happened 3 more times.
Surely this isn't a joke...

My First TribeSteemUp Answer - What Does TribeSteemUp Mean To Me?


To me it means a neighbor, a neighborhood, a community and a lot of friends.
The bonus of being in this community is my siblings and I get Steem allowance!
7 months ago, I started posting in Steemit. It's my extra school work so I can write what I learn. It's also my extra school work to read and learn from other Steemians.
My first post shows this picture of my sister and I playing outside and just enjoying at our homestead. I write about our family and homestead. I write what I am excited about.

What does @TribeSteemUp mean to me? TSU Bi-Weekly Question


Wow, this is quite the multi-layered topic, especially for me. The first, snarkiest response is something along the lines of "On a good day, it means an hour or two of work :-P"

When I first started TSU, it was mostly because I had watched dozens and dozens of friends doing great work and creating great content getting onto our platform, and barely being rewarded (if at all). Seriously though, @TribeSteemUp means so many things to me. Most importantly, it means that the beautiful humans who are spreading the message of sovereignty, empowerment, and mindful living have a consistent opportunity to be financially supported for the wonderful content they are creating.

What TribeSteemUp Means to Me


At some point in life -- often for a very long time -- there is such a loneliness that goes with being "one of us." Those who are "one of us" know what I mean. We seem to be born different than so many other citizens of the world.
Things that matter to us -- like love (not just sex), compassion, tolerance, empathy, tenderness and an unmistakable respect and reverence for life can be like speaking a foreign language when we try to explain ourselves to others.

Immigration Or Segregation? My response to a controversial post.... and the TSU Question Of The Week - What does TSU mean to me...


Diversity is a great thing! Nature has learned to broaden her genetic diversity as far as possible through evolution and the creation of all animals, plants and life that we know of. Nature has learned that having as much genetic diversity as possible gives the best possible chance of survival of a species and of life because when there is a problem you are more likely to have something with a slight difference that allows them to endure or survive it. We know that inbreeding causes genetic weakness and often very serious health issues within a few generations. Mixing our genetic pool is a very good thing for us in terms of strengthening our Biological make-up and long term survival odds.

What does Tribe Steem Up Mean to Me?


Obviously when I was invited into this group on Steemit I felt a lot of joy & gratitude! This is foremost what it means to me. Tribesteemup is an abundance generator thanks to @Jamesc who delegated a huge stake to give daily upvotes to the members and due to the generous vision of @kennyskitchen -- this is rare, but I hope inspiring!, amidst conversations of greedy insiders and bid bots which mirror the actions of our larger culture-- a dog eat dog world, make sure you get yours!-- which we've all been programmed within to varying degrees. The work is to step outside of that and see what alternative visions we can create- that's what we're about!

What Does Tribe Steem Up Mean to Me? A TSU Question


I posed this question to the TSU community because I recently created a second container for @tribesteemup called @earthtribe, to provide additional membership space for more conscious content creators. Since this second project reflects the same core values as TSU, I felt it would be a great idea to use quotes from TSU member's responses to this question in an ET post for project description purposes. That post should be up on the @earthtribe account within the week. My Tribe Steem Up journey started in Acapulco, Mexico this past February (2018), during my first year attending the #anarchapulco conference.

What tribe steemup means to me.


I didn't know much about tsu when they showed up to take me along on the ride.
I do know that when rides come along, I generally jump in the car.
It's hard to travel and stay safely at home, if you hadn't tried.
The tribe showed up right on time.
If it were not for their adoption my life would have crashed around me, much sooner.
As it was their kindness kept me in paradise another three months.
Long enough for things to come together back home.

What Does Tribesteemup Mean to Me?


On tribesteemup, we may disagree about certain things, but everyone is respectful. We have created a community where we support those with similar values but still have room for respectful disagreement.The people in @tribesteemup and @ecotrain have been my lifeline for many months now. It has been these communities that have held me up through some intensely dark times and some really powerful changes. I have felt more love and support from my tribe than pretty much any other place in my life. I know I can hop on discord and feel kindness and caring and also be blown away and inspired by others’ brilliance and creativity.

What Does @tribesteemup Mean To Me?


OK, so what does the Tribe mean to me?
In today's video, I've broken it down into three aspects:
Support and Generosity
Paradigm Shift - Into The Age of Abundance!
Potential - What else is possible here?
You can find out what I mean about each of these aspects in this vlog!
With love!

Sam x

What does @tribesteemup mean to you? Tribe Steem Up Biweekly Question


From an early age, I knew that I didn’t feel or think the same way as the other children did and if I’m honest I don’t even think like my own children in some ways it seems.
I always took things really personally and other things I learned to ignore and/or bury so deep that I forgot about them for many years.
I later found that I had empath tendencies and accepting this has been a long and difficult path, as I can get absorbed into helping other people (also part of being an INFP-T).
But the dreams of money and big houses didn’t ever really fit unless I could invite all the homeless to stay in it too.

What Does @TribeSteemUp Mean To Me?


The people I have met there have changed my life from the moment we laid eyes upon each other. Kenny was one of the first who I met on the day before the actual even started and many others over the following days. The experience was so intense that I decided that I want to surround myself entirely with this kind of energy that I felt there.In January 2018 I was attending the #Anarchapulco conference (or rather festival). Thanks to an all-time-high in the crypto market and my continous efforts on the Steem blockchain I was able to fly to Mexico from Costa Rica and even send my dad over from the UK. I expected a crypto conference with some cool perks but instead I got a make-over for my entire life.

What does tribesteemup mean to you?


What does tribesteemup mean to me? Several things. I may propose a few axioms, in light of recent reading.
Only a communities can create new traditions.
Only communities can displace and replace other communities and other traditions.
Only peaceful communities that grow will bring people from violent traditions and communities into peaceful traditions.
Most traditions that have existed in the past have either been very small or highly dependent on ritualized, stereotyped violence. Coercive in essence. Also essentially highly unproductive. (Which is not really a coincidence. Long run projects are the most meaningful ones and violence or the potential for violence interrupts them, and problems don't get solved.)

What does @TribeSteemUp mean to me? TSU Bi-Weekly Question


TribeSteemUp is a Community Abundance Generator, but in reality, it's much much more...
It's the real Utopia of Steem blockchain for me, a place where I know every member understands me & when I share my deepest thoughts I get rewarded for it.
In my humble opinion, TribeSteemUp must be #1 supported community on Steem as this is much much more than just a community...
Sure, there are great Dapps here with lot of traction but none of them can actually offer what TSU has to offer.
TSU is offering TRUE VALUE (imo :P). When I speak about something here, I'm sharing MYSELF with YOU, in order so you don't have to go through the same process & can actually take a shortcut.


The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen over a year ago. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Nice Post
Thankx For SHarin....g

Every line is 100 % correct

Very moving reading this article and everyones feelings, opinions on the question! Gives me hope and diminishes my sense of loneliness and feelings of being misunderstood. Really happy to find community is thriving and taking over... Looking forward to meet tribesteemup comunity and posts! Thank you @ trucklife-family for making my day

thanks so much @andabout I'm very happy you enjoyed the posts x

I think this question was really important and has helped me to realize the value of the tribe even more. It is so much more than just some free upvotes. It is a culture of love and respect. Thanks for all the hard work you all do in order to change the world.

yes it is @flauwy, and thank you for all you do in helping the TRIBE advance and grow xx

resteemed! ;)

How do I voluntarily associate with this tribe.... methinks these 8 pillars are aligned with my own values...

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