I think I got this one from Free Classifieds Online - since Craigslist has banned me totally...
Oracle Reading
Let me preface this reading by saying that I may sound harsh and condescending and also I am going to give you a LOT of information here -
– but it is really urgency – the state of the world is such that I must instill urgency in the people that reach out to me. I cannot know you – all I can read is the cards and the drawing – so if you already have a spiritual life – I don’t know this – I am speaking to you as if you are a novice.
Also, I am giving you a LOT of information because I may never hear from you again – most people never write me back, although I make this offer open and you can write me back, you can call me if you want – we can pray together – I can help you in many ways – but most people never contact me again – so I give a lot of information.
I do not charge for this because I believe that it is necessary for us to help each other now for fun and for free! I sell the artwork – if someone wants to buy that but that’s it! But I try to act on behalf of the Nature and God – The Golden Rule – Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You…
You received 2 Law cards in this reading – which means it is important – there are 7 Law Cards in a deck of 36 cards – and 2 of them show up – so pay attention to what is said here and follow the directions!
This Oracle is my Natural Law Oracle – Natural Law is a set of Universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal, and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species; meaning beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of Self /Consciousness, and are also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior towards themselves and other beings.
In other words – US. It may seem like the media and family and friends live by mixed up morals – they do – but there are a set of principles that are discoverable that, if you adhere to them, your life will be much more satisfying. I will go into these later. Many of them are found in the bible… but they are much older than that really.
These Laws exist. This is not about belief or non-belief.
If we choose to live in accordance with them, we can live happily and peacefully on earth and not cause harm to other beings or the earth. If we act in violation of these Principles our lives will be hard – the Universe balances the books.
Some of these Laws were written down in a little book called The Kybalion, by Three Initiates, in 1908, but these ideas have been around for thousands of years, passed down through the Oral Tradition of Hermeticism. Others are in the Bible and elsewhere.
The first principle of Natural Law – is that the All is Mental – that this world is a mental construct of God – He thought it and now we exist - the basis of these principles is that everything that happens first has occurred in the Mind of the Creator – and since humans were created in the image of the Creator – we too have the power to change our lives with our minds – it takes work and discipline but it can be done! I have done it.
You must go deep within yourself with God and find your true calling. The heart with wings means the heart – that which God gave you – taking flight to the world. Taking care of your children, yes, but also your true calling in the world – that which God gave to you – especially just for you. You will find this through prayer and meditation, slowly step by step, if you don’t know it now. Even if it is simply your relationship to Him that must be strengthened so that you don’t feel “lonely” anymore – so that you do not go to men, but instead to God. We must have a solid relationship with God in order to be able to be discerning about people. Many of us who had things happen during childhood end up with twisted relations with others, when what we really have is a God-shaped hole in our Spirit … and this is not a religious God – what you are seeking is a transformative spiritual experience which will revolutionize your whole attitude toward God, other people and the world.
The Law of Correspondence: As above, so below – As within, so without. You must change your thinking so that you can have gratitude and then you can open your heart and LOVE. I will give you a special exercise to eradicate negative thinking – and then you must work on your thoughts – and your actions – no gossip, no slander of others, get off social media – it is not healthy – keep focused on your own business and being kind and helpful to others – you reap what you sow. You can start by writing a gratitude list every day – things to be grateful for – simple – a roof over your head, food, the look in your child’s eyes, etc.
Loving yourself – being loving to yourself – being kind to yourself in your words and your actions – in the food you eat – and feed the kiddos. Taking time to be with them – praying to God for help with that. Praying with them...
Also, the Law of Correspondence tells us that if we understand what is going on in our little world, we can understand what is going on in the big world. For example – truly understanding and knowing yourself – from within- which could simply start by following your breath and watching your thoughts and words – will lead you to be able to understand others and the world, in time.
Bad Habits – you have things that you are falling prey to in order to get relief from your negative thinking about yourself and your situation that are not helping you that you are doing to feed that God-shaped hole - that you must find a way to stop and begin to pray instead – literally get on your knees and beg for help – but then LOOK for the answers – they will be right there – even if you are spiritually blocked as a result of passed actions that did not get cleaned up (which I will go into later) you will still receive answers to your prayers – and just because it is hard to get close to God as an invisible friend – still you must try.
The old ways of doing things are not working – and are coming to an end – winter – you made mistakes – but you must remember that winter holds within it the seed of the new spring. Death equals rebirth. There is no dying, there is simply transitioning to the next phase. The Spiral.
You have a spiritual burden that you are carrying – a cross you are bearing. Things that happened to you in the past that are unresolved. You must find a way to resolve them – again prayer and meditation will lead you to your Shadow Work.
If you need help with this, I can help you too as I have done my own shadow work.
The Law of Cause and Effect – for every effect there is a cause. There are no victims, there are only volunteers. I know this sounds harsh, but the Laws are harsh in certain way. It is God that helps us fulfill the Law. Life is not what TV and movies tells us it is – it is a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We all have troubling obstacles in our childhoods or our lives that we have to work out. Things that happened to us as kids and we did the best we could to survive – and then we repeated those same mistakes over and over. The reason we do that is because those unhealed wounds seek healing by making us attract the same situations over and over so that we will be brought to our knees before God to surrender our lives to Him in the non-religious sense – I must live my life being led by my Intuition, not conventional wisdom – Intuition is in your heart. You must not listen to other people or the media for answers, You must tune in to your Intuition.
You can do this alone or with guidance… it doesn’t have to cost money – it can be brought to you through sincere prayer for help. God will provide. But you have to LOOK for the answers to your prayers. And when you see them, you must acknowledge them as the answer and not a “coincidence”. Or something you did or an accident.
The Law of Correspondence (as above, so below; as within, so without) – it is telling you that you must get control of your mind so that you can create your world with a clean and intentioned mind with no superfluous negative thoughts or ideas given to you by other people or other spiritual entities that talk to you and tell you to do things you would normally never do…
Therefore your negative habits color all of your experiences and it would be a good idea to reset to a clean and empty slate – that’s why I gave you the prayer and meditation practice which is a start- and I am also going to enclose this other exercise - Emmet Fox, the 7-day mental diet so you must now make sure that you have no negative thoughts and you will want to be careful what you think and speak. Pay attention to your words. If there is something negative you have to say – then follow it up with “but with God’s help, all is well.” This is very important since God spoke the world into being and we are images of God that means that we speak our world into being and we must get to the root cause of our negative thoughts and then change that habit of thought and words.
Natural Law governs the behavior of beings which have have the capacity to know right from wrong – Beings that have Free Will Choice. Animals do not have this level of consciousness so they are not governed by Universal Spiritual Laws. I will enclose more information Natural Law further on in the document as it is pertinent to your reading.
You are in the arms of your Guardian. You look forlorn. The moon is at your feet, stage left – and is in the shape of a boomerang.
Most of the action in this drawing is on the Right side – it looks like the left to you but the SUN is on the right in life – as it is the masculine principle, so therefore that sets the staging for this drawing as that we are looking at you as if we were looking at an actor on a stage…
Right and Left in the Drawing
The right side of the drawing is talking about manifestation in the world, right being the masculine principle, while the left side is talking about, the feminine principle, your receptivity and connection to God as the Source.
When the Sun is on the left side of the drawing and a heart is on the right side of a body in the drawing, that means that the drawing is us, you and I, looking at you as an actor on a stage – but it is a dual dimension drawing, therefore more complex – in that that which is blocking your manifestation in the world is also that which is blocking your receptivity.
_____ – in this case: You are entirely blocked on your feminine side – there is nothing going on over there. You are all about appearances – and manifestation and there is no action on your left, feminine, receptive side. You must feel disconnected from yourself totally internally – like your insides do not match your outsides at all.
Are you some kind of artist? Or singer? And you have stopped doing it and completely been following what the conventional world tells you to do? And insodoing – you have depleted yourself – you don’t even know who you are anymore? If you ever knew?
And that is what is blocking your manifesting in the world what you desire. You must get in touch with your heart “again” or for the first time. This is mirroring the Oracle Reading...
There is the shadow of someone on the right side – masculine – on the inner wing of your guardian – this is some childhood trauma that needs your attention for healing. It is part of the work you need to do for your spiritual awakening -
The shadow is also doubling as butterfly wings! You are a butterfly!!!
So that which is the source of your deep sadness and betrayal is the seed of your transformation, of course! But this is a very deep calling – and has a process to it - The process of the butterfly is that it starts out as a caterpillar, usually very destructive eating it's way thoughtlessly killing and destroying a multitude of plants - then it builds it's cocoon and goes to sleep for a while and during that time it becomes a big ugly bug and then as it wakes up and eats it's way out of it's own cocoon it is transformed into a beautiful creature - and as with the monarch - that migrates - flies hundreds of miles in it's lifetime - bringing light and beauty wherever it goes- symbolically it is the human process as well - and an ENLIGHTENED butterfly brings GREAT energy and power - raising the frequency on the planet.
There is a wilted Sun Flower next to your right arm. You are grieving – you are really a happy joyous and free person and when you are happy and joyous you spread light and love to everyone you come in contact with– the goal is to get back to that person – your true self.
There is a snake – on the right side also – the masculine side – this represents the shadow work that needs to be done. The snake’s body is connected to the stem of the sunflower and also it has it’s own body – which is in a spiral -
The spiral represents the growth. We grow – like the rings in a tree – we are not robots like the modern conventional world would have use believe we are. We are animals from Earth originally and we have been put into this “system” that we live in, which was imposed upon us by “others” with a sinister agenda – that’s why your insides don’t match what you see outside of you at work or why you may be having problems at work. I worked at a corporate store for a few years and that’s where I really learned to pray – breathing God in on the in-breath and breathing God out on the out-breath – because I just did not feel like I fit there – and we don’t. Some people appear to fit better than others. If you learn to believe that you are of Nature and not of the system, you will feel more True to your Self. To Thine Own Self Be True… as William Shakespeare said… but you have to find that Self. You will find it by finding that Spiritual Connection ...
You can then give freely of yourself without thought of reward – trusting that God is taking care of you and your kids– and if you abide by the Laws – of treating others like you would like to be treated – being honest, kind, generous, etc – that will make that path back to God easier. All this goes against what you see on TV or what friends and family do most likely – but it is the old way and it is the way that you can strengthen your inner core against the chaos happening in the world.
The boomerang moon: the moon is your emotional receptive self – it is the feminine principle – in your case you likely have strong astrology in your water signs – you can look into that for free at astro.com and find out – because it is both a blessing and a curse. You have strong water signs in your chart that makes you very sensitive to energies which is a blessing for you as a bringer of beauty and light to others and as a healer – but if you wallow in those emotions and feel self-pity or jealousy or let your feelings get hurt easily by others then that is an over-concentration in the feeling department – and you have to raise your frequency – out of that mode otherwise it will be like an anchor that will just bring you down into depression and your light will stay hidden.
The boomerang part of it – as you know a boomerang is a weapon made from wood by the aborigines of Australia for hunting, and it is designed to return to the thrower. It is the only image on the left side of this drawing...besides the heart. This symbolizes that you need to watch carefully what you are putting out there because it is coming back to you 3 times as strongly.
The infinity symbol, on your right side, again and covering your mouth – you must also learn to speak the truth – shows that this is a lesson of karma – The Law of Cause and Effect in the macrocosm– but it is also a call back to your true self again – Nature – the infinity symbol really is this:
You might want to check this out – you are so much more than who you believe you are right now – you are amazing!
“Judge not by appearances, judge by righteous judgment” John 7:24 means – you can’t look at what is outside and use your finite mind to see the Truth of it. The Truth is in your heart.
The figure at the bottom sleeping, is your true self. You are sleeping and dreaming this fake cardboard life that you are living – you must awaken. The 2 of you must be reconnected. I know with kids it might be difficult but you can meditate after the children are asleep or wake up earlier in the morning and get a meditation timer app on your phone – that gives you any number of minutes to meditate but make sure the sound is soothing so it doesn’t jolt you out of it.
The snake indicating Shadow Work: I already gave you the Prayer and Meditation – once you have been doing that for a little while and begin to see the answers you can ask for your shadow work to be revealed to you – and also a solution for it...
What is Shadow Work?
Everything is made of energy: Light. The earth, the sun, all sentient beings, all objects that are not sentient. When an object blocks the light, it creates a “Shadow”.
The lower the frequency of energy, the more “solid” it appears and the more solid creates a darker shadow when struck with light from the other side. Take a rock and a balloon – a rock creates a dark black shadow, while a balloon, which is transparent, creates a transparent shadow. The higher the frequency of the energy, there is either no shadow, or a more transparent shadow. Low frequency energy equals a solid which equals a solid dark shadow, when blasted with light from the opposite side.
The term Shadow Work is an allegorical statement regarding Light and “enlightenment” vs. Dark “shadows”; meaning that the egoic nature of low frequency actions which are simply repeated over and over, are stuck and never change because of unresolved ideas and issues that continue to play out over a long period of time, causing harm to the being who has the shadow and to other beings who are in relationship to it.
Shadow Work is the toil by which a conscious being investigates to bring the low frequency energy to high frequency to eliminate the Shadow and bring about a state of “enlightenment”.
A simple way to get back into alignment with Spiritual Principles:
Write down all the people you are mad with a pen on paper.
Next to each name, write down all the things that person did to you in detailed complete sentences.
Now, write down all the things you did to them, ie did you lie? Steal possessions? Lie by omission – coercion? Did you break a promise? Borrow something and never return it? Break someone’s heart? Disappoint someone? Gossip or slander someone where it really caused harm to them? If you did not do anything to them, make sure that you have not done what you are mad at them for doing, to someone else. Be honest and thorough. The Universe knows what you have done, and balanced the books a long time ago, by making your life hard, so not writing something down will only be you short-changing yourself.
Write down all the people who were affected by what you did, and all the harms you caused them.
Now, go out and make matters right with all those people. Pay back the money you owe, time you stole. Apologize to the people you broke promises to and keep the promises. Make restitution for crimes you committed that you were not caught for – balance the books with the people you have harmed.
Make sure that as you do this, you are not causing any harm to the people currently in your life. For example, if you owe money, make sure that paying it back does not cut in to the money you need to support your family, etc. As you begin to do this, your life will begin to get back in alignment with Spiritual Principles and things will get better for you.
If you need help with this process, you can contact me and I will help you with it, free of charge.
After you have cleaned up the mistakes form the past, continue to keep your side of the street clean – through daily review to make sure that you are not transgressing any Natural Law principles… with each interaction with others, pause and make sure you are not causing harm… and things in your life will be magical because your Spiritual Channel will be open and clear and you will be in alignment with Nature, God, Spirit. In this case, your psychic abilities will be strengthened and heightened.
– I hesitated to give you this part of the work – however – it is important that you realize that after you have discovered what was done to you in the past and recognize it and process it, that you also look squarely at what you have been doing with it yourself – which has caused harm to others… and clean that up otherwise you won’t get passed being the victim and into the empowerment phase.
Ways to Raise Your Vibration
- Making Reparations for Harms Caused – as discussed above.
- Gratitude – acknowledging what you are grateful for throughout the day or in a nightly review
- Selfless Service – give your service that you want to be paid for, away for free – or do other acts of service – the more you give the more you get. Mimicking Nature – give with no thought of reward. Give with no agenda for the outcome for the other person. Be helpful to your neighbor or family members. Ask God how you can be helpful to others and keep it a secret.
- Talismans – like affirmations – talismans like the ones I make – speak to your subconscious mind through symbolism. You can make them for yourself – to align your subconscious to the Higher Good.
- Meditation and Prayer – Meditation brings your consciousness back to a zero point of emptiness so you can look at what IS from without all your perceptions, fears and beliefs.
- Affirmations and Positive Thoughts – Florence Scovel Shinn, a late 1800s New Thought writer, for example, wrote many wonderful positive affirmation that you can repeat over and over until you believe them in your heart. You can find her work online free in pdf format.
- Walking Outside in Nature – hug trees and talk to animals, grasses and birds.
- Yoga
- Eat living food – eat more living food than dead food – get rid of the cruelty factor in the food you take in.
- Eradicate Negative Thoughts – Emmet Fox 7-day Mental Diet. Which I will include.
- Keep that cell phone away from your head – use the speaker phone, but NOT bluetooth wires in your ears. Put it on airplane mode at night and turn off your wifi at night.
- Review your day at night to make sure you caused no harms to others. If you did, make repairs the following day.
You can also write this out and say it to yourself everyday, breathing into your heart, until you believe it and it uplifts your frequency.
Treatment for DIVINE LOVE
My soul is filled with Divine Love. I am surrounded by Divine Love. I radiate Love and Peace to the whole world. I have conscious Divine Love. God is Love, and there is nothing in ex¬existence but God and His self-expression. All men are expressions of Divine Love; therefore, I can meet with nothing but the expressions of Divine Love. Nothing ever takes place but the Self-expressing of Divine Love.
All this is true now. This is the actual case, the actual state of affairs. I do not have to try to bring this about, but I observe it already in being now. Divine Love is the actual nature of Being. There is only Divine Love, and I know this. I perfectly understand what Divine Love is. I have conscious realization of Divine Love. The Love of God is in me for all humanity, I am a lamp of God, radiating Divine Love to all whom I meet, to all whom I think of. I forgive everything that can possibly need forgiveness - positively everything. Divine Love fills my heart, and all is well. I now radiate Love to the whole universe, excluding no one. I experience Divine Love. I demonstrate Divine Love.
I thank God for this.
- Divine Love Treatment, by Emmet Fox
Mark Passio, whatonearthishappening.com podcasts 1-225, in order.
Micheal Gleeson’s Paper on Natural Law, download from my website
Earthlings, the film, free online at this link. (prepare yourself) nationearth.com
Food, Inc., film.
The Trivium,
Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception, Max Heindel (free pdf online)
The Kybalion, A New Interpretation, Doreen Virtue
Green Language: The Language of the Birds: Mark Passio on Green Language
The 7-Day Mental Diet, by Emmet Fox (free pdf online)
The Hidden Way Across The Threshold, J.C. Street
Hermeticism and Alchemy Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition, book. https://www.youtube.com/user/LarkenRose/videos. King Corn, film https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xx728t The Kybalion, by the 3 Initiates https://sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/index.htm
The Talisman I am going to suggest for you is: I experience Divine Love in every moment and I follow the path guided by God through my heart to bring my unique gift to the world.
If you want to use this Talisman - here are the instructions to activate it:
thank you!
Love the way you show the really intricate process & the journey.
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thank you!!!
This is so powerful! It's like you shake my soul. I haven't finish the reading, to be honest. It's a lot to take and I'm going slow like a snail.
Thank you for this amazing reading. I feel like it has a lot of ansewers ❤️
thank you so much! would you like one for yourself?