Morality 101: Keeping Your Word Rant

in #tribevibes5 years ago (edited)


It's a sign of the times when people promise they are going to show up and then don't. I was just reading this post by @artedellavita - where she talks about all her appointments being no-shows even though she confirmed them the night before and hence, she has to impose a non-refundable deposit fee that is applicable to the service rendered, but if they don't show they lose.

I commented on the post and realized that it IS a post. The Golden Rule which is at the basis of Natural Law and the root of our Freedoms is degraded when we don't keep our word.

The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You

Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated ... is the law of correspondence

Do you LIKE to have people break their promises to you? Don't break your promises to them. Give people the benefit of the doubt. If they screw you over - don't do business with them again! But don't let up on your Morality. Be true to it and your life will be so much better. I know because I was not raised to be Moral. I had to learn the hard way that being Moral and living by Natural Law principles makes this living MAGICKAL.

As humans go further and further into the New World Order in which the imposed authority - Govern Mind - tells us how to live and enforces man's law upon us - we become dumber and dumber, thinking that more laws and punishments are going to keep order, when in fact, quite the opposite - DISORDER is the result of believing in an outside imposed authority.

Under Natural Law - there is no such thing as outer authority. You have to bring it down to the idea of - if there are only 2 people on the planet - you and another person - do you delegate your authority to them? NO WAY.

If that idea does not work, apply the

Law of Correspondence, The Microcosm IS The Macrocosm, As Above, So Below

and realize that democracy is a total lie. RE-presentative government. Now this may seem far away from the topic, but is it?

Simply keeping my word and falling for the ideology of democracy are related? YES!!! If I keep MY word, and keep MY side of the street clean, and think of others as part of my daily routine, thinking of how I would like to be treated and treating others that way - then what do I need others to represent me for?

People always say who's gonna take care of the roads? - Well, if you lived in Denver, CO like I do, you would know that NO ONE takes care of them the more laws that are imposed the more revenue that is incurred by the govern-mind but the worse the roads are.

But, our off-grid property which is at the end of a long dirt road, is maintained by one of our neighbors who has a grader - FREE OF CHARGE - yearround - and we have that adobe dirt that is gluey and thick and creates big ruts that a smaller car can fall into - but that's the rule out there - people take care of each other - as they would like to be treated - and KEEP THEIR WORD.

The challenge is this - Will I keep MY WORD in an UNPRINCIPLED world?

Yup. I will continue to set an example for others of what it is like to be Self-Governing. When we are self-governing and moral, we don't need laws. But I do it for myself - really - because life is so much easier and MagicKal when I follow Natural Law... it might be harder up-front to determine it - because I have to be self-scrutinizing with all my actions making sure that they are for the highest good, but in the long-run this is best.

It is only people with Mommy issues and Daddy issues that believe we need to be impose man's laws on other people or ourselves. They don't work, of course, as in this case - they just get us to figure out ways around the law instead of thinking of how we can be helpful to others. The dems who think Mommy Gubman needs to have the teat hanging out with perpetual milk or the repubs who think Daddy Gubman needs to kill or be killed. This is all fear-based unresolved bad childhood shadow-work that needs to be resolved by individuals and not imposed on our world. It's killing our wild-life and our Freedom. Adult children running around with unresolved shadow-work don't want anyone or anything to be FREE - hence this is what the Dark Occult have created through Tell-Lie-Vis-I-On - and what they perpetuate.

They create more and more Adult Children so that Gubmen can be the parents.

The predominant thought on the street is not about helping others, but instead it is about helping OURSELVES: stealing.

When I don't show up for a promised appointment - I am STEALING - the bottom line violation of Natural Law. I have coerced the other person into believing I will show up to what I said I would show up to, and then I don't show up, I don't call to cancel, I just no-show - which is stealing their time.

This sets in motion the Law of Cause and Effect. As a result of my wrong-doing against my fellow, I will receive 3x the Effect of my Cause. Sorry. The Universe balances the books when we don't. As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.

I don't get away with behaving badly on planet Earth. There are Laws of Behavioral Consequence that govern this planet.

If I want my life to be good - it is best to live by The Golden Rule. When I do that, I am living by The Law of Attraction... attracting good things and miracles and syncromysticisms into my life... and when I live by Self-Will ME ME ME then I will also attract the back end of that into my life and my life will suck.

I get to decide. Make the extra effort to live a principled life. Practice Good Manners. But what we are seeing today out in the Malls and in the Supermarkets and in the Media is people living in an unprincipled manner - that appear to need to be governed... Incrementalism...Fabian Socialism...

Slowly but surely, the Dark Occult is getting their way - they are the Tortoise and we are the Hare. They have been working on this project for thousands of years, and it is being accomplished.

But I will continue to live by principle. That's my promise. And I will continue to try to be helpful to others.

That's why I am, and will continue to post about Morality and Principled Living, as I did in these unpopular posts about How To Use Apophatic Inquiry and the Trivium to Live and Work In A Group of People and Keep Unity and Individuality...and get things accomplished!


Posts About Living By Principle, Natural Law

We have been so well trained by the Dark Occult that they have us believing that we can't work together. True, we all would have to be desperate in order to realize that. But don't worry, it's getting desperater and desperater and it will continue.

When I refer to the

Dark Occult

I mean, by the way, the 1% - the folks ruling us - the bloodline of the royals or whatever you want to call them. They are the ones who own Big Oil, Big Pharma, The Media - they are the Khazarian Mafia and they are of all races, creeds, colors and religions - but they ARE united regardless of that. Do your research if you don't know what I am talking about.

Living By Natural Law, IS the Way Out of this Mess

This IS What Happened To Steemit, By The Way

Dan Larimer and Ned Smith DID NOT KEEP THEIR WORD, and now we have things called
Hard-Forks that are imposed on us from the hierarchy of people who consider themselves our Authority and keep messing with our supposedly decentralized blockchain... it's not


to change the world because

First things First

We are going to have to change the way we do things. We are going to have to THINK ABOUT every action that we take and ask ourselves

Does this action HARM others? Is this action all about ME getting what I want at the expense of OTHERS?

And if it is - then it is a Violation of Natural Law and therefore is NOT going to support FREEDOM...

It requires FAITH in Something Bigger- that will provide for we don't have to screw other sentient beings over to provide for ourselves -

About Steemit

I wish we could all just get along and do something different but we can't seem to. We continue to replicate the same system of slavery because we want it to be easy. It's not going to be "easy" to climb out of this mindset we are all in.

It will require ego deflation at depth and then it will require a method of allowing everyone to have a voice - and reliance upon Natural Law a higher authority than some human being - there are no human authorities - any time we make humans an authority - we fail.

Hence it will be smaller tribes - so that likely all can have a true voice. It will require MANNERS - yea we will have to be pretty desperate to use those - and we will all have to be pretty much on the same page of not just wanting to get over on each other to get ahead -

We have a long way to go as a species to get to that point.

I'd say we are at the end of this 26000 year cycle and we have failed again, so we will have to start over in the Age of Capricorn - the Age of Aquarius will just be about dismantling and probably extinction.


But Redemption Is Always Possible, So I For 1 Will Never Give Up!!!


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