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RE: I am a spiritual healer Sigil

in #tribevibes5 years ago

Maybe write up a ‘promo’ post... maybe something like a classifieds ad.... and that way we can pop it in the Lotus-Store in Discord.

You could also promote that post, here is how to do that.


oh cool - I will get right on it!

Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master & Psychic Artist...

I don't really understand "burn lotus" or "buy lotus" - how?

This page as well as the FAQ’s has tutorials and answers to all your questions.

If in doubt, come and ask questions in the chat server and someone should be able to help you with all of that!!


I figured it out because I entered that challenge on Natural Medicine for art, and I sent 100 Lotus to @null... should I do a separate one for the Lotus Store? Hey- thanks for your help!