From triggering the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert, Triggers has seen a staggering growth of no less than x 12.30 to the current price of $1.07. Remains bullish.

in #triggers8 years ago

#Triggers Price Chart


#Triggers #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Screen

TRIGGERS dMAs screen.png

#Triggers triggered a #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert Signal on 05-Jun-2017 at $0.08702.

From triggering the #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert, #Triggers has seen a staggering growth of no less than x 12.30 to the current price of $1.07.

With a current Market Capital of approx. $34m and Ranked No.95 in the #CryptoCurrency Market, #Triggers has seen an explosive ride these last 3 months.

We maintain a BULLISH recommendation on #Triggers and will continue to monitor the #technicalanalysis over the next few weeks/months.

Thanks again for reading.



Shared on twitter. Stephen

I have no clue what you are talking about, but I'm still trying to learn many things about Steemit. I'll keep looking over things until, I hope, someday I have it mostly figured out.

Hi johnwjr7. Maybe I can help.. This post / topic is not specifically referring to steemit. The information he is providing refers to trading "Triggers", a different asset / alternative to bitcoin. These bitcoin alternatives and competing technologies are termed "altcoins". Steem is another example of altcoin. (sorry if I am over / under explaining) I'm no expert, but I research information ever day. I like helping (so I can look smart) and I see reply's so ask if I can help unravel any confusion. Don't try to learn too fast. Pace (not pressure) yourself to avoid headaches or drowning in excitement! Cheers!

Thanks for the information sir.