
I guess it's been a bit too trippy and now @qwerrie is all confused :D

hahahaha yeah! The trippyness took over him! XD

@fraenk, I am not confused! I am proud of the result. (as any artist, I love the most my very last work, hehe). today the world acquainted one more great piece of art! and the rest doesnt matter

No reason to be confused about your work. I enjoyed the trippy shrooms!

But you are definitely confused about the weekdays :D lol

I must confess: for me it is hard... all these names sound pretty the same for me! except the Caturday, of course :=)

ah. nothin can I do now :/

silly me!

but that was a formal question! concerning the content:
did you enjoy it, at least 5% ?..

by the way I am not qwerry and neither qwerrue! I am qwerrie


Yes! Cool post like always! :D

Are you sure? It can be Qweri, Qwerrrrrie or Qwe too! XD


you forgot: also can be qwe-qwe )))