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RE: Trippy Thursday Digital Art, "Pepper Talk"

in #trippythursday3 years ago

The "Two Faced" European, I myself have known a few. But The Dutch did seem far less so than Germans. And like You said, since the Police respect is low, they may not care. Or the working for U.S. (or being American for that matter), may also come into play....🤔
Well I am going to be honest with You....
Americans are probably - Especially in the New Jersey / North East pretty rude. It was another reason I got away from there when I landed. Though I will admit that after this, I would rather have someone be rude to my face than plot behind my back.
Yes the multiple views will help - immensely!

Funny, I have also down throttled to "instant coffee"...
Mostly the same reasons, with a twist..😉😁😅
Enjoy Your Cappuccino's this Morning and have a Wonderful Friday!


They sure are, but these things you don’t see as a visitor. You need to live there for a bit.
I understand what you say. Yes, me too. Tell me in the face everything, but not behind my back. So I think it isn’t a problem when the are ruder… in general. You do know what is happening at all times.
I think I prefer that. Than people trying to manoeuvre around each other… pretending.
Funny funny.

It is said that some people don’t respect certain things. Also the respect the older generation had towards the older people. I see this is disappearing. That is a concerning thing. Not good at all. In many ways.
It sure helps our multiple views from other countries. We can throw it all in the mix and show what we learned and how we evolved. It is good. Somehow it is like being a chameleon. You can change and adjust very quickly as you have the “tools” to do so 😁😎💃🏻

Hahaha you did too… hahaha funny another similar thing although it is a small detail.
Thanks, I had my first one. I think it is time for another one now. And some lunch 😉😁☕️☕️🥗🥗
Be right back and follow the rest of my notifications 🤓
Enjoy your day… hope it was a good one today!

Yes You Do!😎🤓😎
Short term, you would probably never catch it. Cause Germans are "Super Friendly" when you first meet them. But to be honest, I also did meet a few cool ones, a few...

Yes the ability to "adjust on the fly" is good to have, especially if you move around. Most places the "this is me so deal with it", doesn't work...🤔

Yeah I actually bought a Mr. Coffee, nice machine.. My roommates began using it for an island to set things on. Well for a few months I kept taking things off the top and telling them - if it gets broke, your buying...
Well I figured out the fatter one was playing a game with me so... I just said screw it! Then the other one bought a French Press and started making Coffee with that..
Well that Coffee could only be described as "dirty water",
So I went to instant..
Like a lot of things... I remove myself from their Sphere of influence...😉😄😁
I hope Your lunch was a good one! 👍🏼🥗👍🏼
Take Care and Enjoy the Cappuccino's and Your Saturday!

Yep… when you meet, but they are also very hard and cold. I experienced. Very solution driven…

O noooo, never got in a place we’re that would work. Yes for the locals, but sure not for the visitors, travellers or newbies that move there. It is a process though and can grow. In either direction 😉

No they didn’t… what an idiots. Sorry to hear that. People having no respect for other peoples possessions. Sounds like a game.

I understand that you went to instant coffee now hahaha easy to avoid the others.
And there sphere of influence. 😎 one day you don’t need to manoeuvre around them. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
It was good thank you so much 😊
Hope your day was fantastic 🤩 it’s weekend yay 😁
Enjoy every moment, that it be lovely 👋🏻☀️🌸🌼

Well Your right there...
I had thought it might be left over from the War, and yeah they are Very solution driven.

You might be right there, never thought about it but it "is" locals that play the "deal with me card"...
Makes me think about something!
Ha ha ha! Maybe if one does this, they will think your normal "!
They would here....

Yeah the fatter one (and this is part of how he got there) is a master manipulator, and thinks it make him intelligent. No, he has no respect for anybody's anything - except one screwed up friend of his... He will take your stuff and give it away, and get angry if you make him get it and bring it back.

Yeah the coffee machine became a favorite game if his, so I stopped playing.
Of course by now, I have done this with so many things - and I have, I really don't feel like I am living a life anymore... Just reacting to craziness...🤔🤔😕
I "Am" looking forward to that day that I don't have to do all the crazy stuff around them, it is tiring...😶

I had my normal "Meditations" Saturday, so except not feeling too "right", very Mello day....🧘🧘🧘
You have The Best of the Rest of the weekend!

Nope, not a left over, just that is how they are. My mom and her family was/ is the same…

And they do… the locals.
Hahaha interesting. Yes, it could work, as it does there.

Sounds like a person to avoid altogether. But sometimes you don’t know that upfront… and you are trying to help someone. A sad case in many ways.

I soooo understand what you are saying and going through, the moving around them, their craziness. The not really living part as you are on hold until you move…
You will get there. Keep going. Look ahead. But not to far. Try still to enjoy the little things around you, when you are away from them. Those brighten up things. The flowers in the garden. The people in the shops… a bird… or the cats. Anything… 😊🤞🏻😎 walk along the water line when it is cooler at night or the early morning.

Good you had your meditations… hope all is ok and your not coming down with anything. Or your mood is shifting the wrong way. 😊☀️🤞🏻

Thank you so much, I had… it goes to fast this weekend. But I still enjoy the little things.
Have a good evening!
Did you end up finishing the movie 🎥 Lucy. Or not yet…
