MSG Moron, or MSG Corporrate Sponsorship?

in #trojanwall6 years ago (edited)

MSG Moron, or MSG Corporate Sponsorship?

Whatever HEis,

msg moron.JPG
This is Fake News!


People don't just freak out over msg when it's in Chinese! They freak out about it in fast food restaurants as well!
one expert generalising that people associate with Chinese food! He did not say most people he did not say, everyone. He said "studies show that msg... (a substance people associate within Chinese food)",... Not "studies show most people only worry about it in Chinese food". He does not mean most people! And therefore cannot make it ok to lead your post with an anti-racist fear mongering title like "Why do people only freak out about msg when it's in Chinese food.
So here's something to think about... What would he care really about racism against Chinese? He's not Chinese!
NO what is he? That's right! A pathological liar and paid actor!


How many innocent, msg addicted poor depressed and sick and overweight and povo people does this guy have to trick into faceplanting?

Think about it!

Why mention China at all?: Largest population, more restaurants. Yes, the Chinese restaurant industry is a large piece of the corporate pie that funds the production and payroll of producers of msg. People are worried about their diets and what is and isn't good for you and the companies that approve msg are also the ones claiming cannabis is unsafe.

FDA approved!

The fact that FSANS FDA and WHO approve it is a reason to believe its a poison!
The ones who okayed doctors to use methamphetamines and opiates on sick people. The ones who okay poisoning yourself with chemotherapy and radiotherapy instead of using a defence destroying cancer targetting cancer dissolving molecule like cannabis oil!
The ones who prohibit the cultivation of this plant or natural occurrence of.
the ones who okay sugar cane, palm oil, cultivation of spirits. (Making and consumption of alcohol.)

I prefer this article It is an honest article. He has nothing to gain by telling us this!


A company with everything to lose by you going organic. Article


  1. First telling you a very fancy fact using long unfamiliar sciencey words.
  2. And then completely contradicting this fact by lying about its safety and hoping you were stupid enough to miss the contradiction.

MSG is not natural GLUTAMATE!

Msg isn't glutamate and doesn't occur naturally in the body or foods which do produce glutamate, it is the factory form of glutamate... The monosodium form of glutamate (aka: flavour enhancer (621) just like Monopotassium L-glutamate (622), Calcium glutamate (623), Monoammonium L-glutamate (624) and Magnesium glutamate (625)(Glutamate is made commercially through fermentation of molasses from sugar beet or sugar cane and starch.)

Cannot Process

These are sugars the body cannot process! the foods the body turns into toxic brown fat and bad cholesterol! You know, (the fat that blocks your arteries... and builds up around your liver)! That has no nutritional value but course through our bodies in a traumatic quick flash flood shock wave and disappear super quick as our kidneys realise we don't have anywhere we can process this so we are gonna toss it overboard for you to store as fat!
Let me be Clear it is not the natural flavour molecule in your body and animals and plants it is the other flavourless one. The one we already produce naturally ourselves and therefore don't need. As in the part of the tomato, our body doesn't need (is the part of the food you ate half an hour ago which just came out your wee(monosodium glutamine/ sodium salt of glutamine) or poop.

Yes, I hope you are getting there.

But for the dummies that means glutamine is the sweet juice keeping the tomato plump.

  • If you dehydrate it becomes salty (sodium salt of glutamate).
  • If you sprinkle that onto a tomato to enhance the savoury flavour it's because it just dehydrated the sweet hydrating part of the fruit out and because its made from sugar, it gets peed out without giving any electrolytes to the liver and kidneys.
  • And because its dehydrated electrolyte sucking undead molecule it's also sucking up the electrolytes that were already in there waiting to be processed by the liver and kidneys.
  • Causing dehydration in a wide variety of levels. (The more msg you eat and the more you eat within 6hours after consuming msg the more you dehydrate) "Honey, why's my piss so dark?"

Unless you drink a litre of water and hold it until your busting to flush it out!

  • Dehydration causes brain damage, fatigue and depression.
  • Making you want to feel better making you associate the last time you were super pumped chill or happy when you were stuffing your face with processed food! (Food with unnatural additives for our bodies.)

So what do about it?

(here's a really bad idea! Go eat more msg!)
Now you're on it like a drug! You're addicted to the unnatural intensified flavours of the world. Nothing natural can taste this way!

Or can it?

Honey? or maple syrup? Yes, these are sweet flavoured things too and a great natural alternative to sugar. As they have nutritional value, although it's growing clearer that even if you made msg using these natural processable longer lasting energy hydrating sweeteners it wouldn't be much less dehydrating either.
And yes this can affect learning! because as the brain becomes dehydrated it becomes tired, unmotivated, unfocused, no energy, no thinky, more stressy more headache, less listeny, slow receptor relays information question and answer processing time takes longer.

So yes! MSG is Bad!

By slowly dehydrating and shrinking the brain constantly over a lifetime of eating factory-made flavour enhanced foods and KFC MACCAS Restaurant foods and only occasionally eating something organic, be sure you are increasing the soonness swiftness and strength of the onset of dementia before you die. (Some people die from reasons other than dementia and old age in this world.) LIke high blood pressure. high cholesterol. Kidney and liver failure, blood clots, and hematomas, strokes, and cancer which are linked to lengthy msg overdose and there are things like manslaughter suicide involuntary manslaughter etc as well.) Oh wait, those last few can also be blamed on or attributed to things like tiredness and laziness and depression and anxiety and due to brain damage from brain shrinkage like depression... and psychotic episodes.

People were less lazy more motivated energetic and thinner (except for the fat rich dudes who could afford it!) When it was in fewer foods!

Oh, but it's in Chinese and Chinese people are mostly skinny!


  1. Racist!
  2. Prove that just because you are Chinese you eat at Chinese restaurants.
    Chinese people know how to cook at home, and like foods other than Chinese takeout. (The reason restaurants use msg is so they can make flavour go further spending less on whole food ingredients. Even Worse!)
    Authentic Chinese food is made at home with whole foods, homemade flavour enhancer free stock and boiled rice herbs spices and rice noodles. Because this is a wholesome healthy meal.

And believe it or not, the smarter ones are the ones that take their lunch to work!

The ones that take their lunch to work: are the ones that prepare before bed or get up extra early to make before they walk to work. Are the work efficient majority, who go to bed at the right time every night and wake up at the same time the next morning. and can do it all again! And are super inventive.

It is the younger lazier generations and their factory food upbringings that are developing depression, late for work, less work efficiently late to bed people that stop to pick up breakfast or order out at lunch and dinner.

MSG is a bag of poisonous snakes with every not-organic purchase!

How many snakes are there in your fridge and pantry?





paleo fridge.jpgsource

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help fight the lies!
love always,


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In the 80s, doctors said it wasn't good for you. I still like it.