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RE: @dantheman ruins reputation by upvoting @telos ?

in #trolls8 years ago

Dude, there are a million facts. You're unwilling to see them. That makes you appear to be an emotional child incapable of dealing with the world as it is or as Matrix says a troll and a pedo supporter. Look at the case. Go on to the new voat site and look at all the pretty blatent codes for selling children.


Well, let me quote a guy who does believe in pizzagate and wrote an article summarizing a bunch of the evidence so far:

Admittedly the #PizzaGate investigation is 'loose' - it is more a collection of fragments that associate with taboo 'art', questionable photos, and affiliated names/events. -

I think we should all want more than a loose association of fragments before we condemn people. Call me crazy, but I believe in "innocent until proven guilty."

Meanwhile @matrixdweller has contributed nothing. He posted one video, four times, of Biden with his hand on a girl's shoulder during a photo op, then started lashing out at me and claiming I support pedophiles because I pointed out it didn't prove anything.

Now he's attacking the creator of steemit for upvoting one of my posts.

But sure, I'm the emotional child. LOL.

I got a similar response from titusfrost. Because I questioned him (her?) about the pizza stuff he went nuts.