This should be a lesson to all witnesses and all fools around here who were against fork 0.22.2.
My objection to 22.2 was that it did not fix anything and in some comments even mentioned that a "...billionaire could still but majority stake tomorrow". Guess this is tomorrow. The lesson to be learned is don't take a knife to a gun fight and don't piss off a billionaire.
There wouldn’t be a consensus to freeze a giant stakeholder’s assets if they purchased their stake in the open market.
As a matter of fact this would have skyrocketed the price and would have been beneficial for everyone. Do you feel benefited now?????
This stake was mined...illegally...and transferred to the highest bidder whose intentions were unknown....or should I say...known?
My position is that, perhaps, one solution might have been a body of second thought, much like second bodies found in most democracies. IE Senates, Legislature/Congresses.
We could have a requirement of 51% of all active witnesses for code approval and only the top 20 to decide on a version for consideration as the next HF.
Anyway better minds may have a better solution.. Yet even if forked this issue must be addressed in future versions of DPoS.
All stake was. Every Steem was mined, except those produced by inflation and delivered as rewards - based on the mined stake.
[citation needed]
You have some inside information on the negotiations? Care to share?
Assumptions aren't facts.