I think Ned knew just what he was doing by selling to Tron. He knew how the Witnesses would act.
JSun should have known to call steemit, steemit and not steemy at the AMA. He should have known we are Steemians and the word SMT.
Think about what all has happened from the perspective of an angry person with a toy everyone wants that you own but no one likes you.
Now it is getting even better because everyone is fighting in the comments from fear and disbelief while watching our home fall apart.
Everyone knew how much money JSun has. Take away a new toy from someone and do you think they will be happy?
Would you? if you, meaning anyone on Steem, had a billion dollars and spent some pocket change on a new toy just sit back while people took it away from you.
Okay, not all of it away, but tied you up in a corner to sit and think about what you have not done yet...
We Steemian either ALL stick together and now wait or leave. Either way, fighting in the comments with each other and calling people names brings us Steemians farther apart not closer.
Now if you had just written the post above would you want everyone fighting and not talking to each other like below OR it quiet so you do not know what is going on?
Just my thoughts.......
GIVEN THEM A GODDAM CHANCE TO DO ANYTHING YET. Sorry, got stupid there for a second.Exactly. There was never any confusion on their end, but they sure instilled it with a few purposefully guided word raps and fed the dogs their bones. They have been giving @ned shit for years and trying to bully him into doing this that and the other. SO, he said, fine, you don't like me, ta hell with ya. Let someone else deal with you for awhile. Now, the new guy, isn't as tolerant as the last guy. He'll take his toys back and punch you in the damn face. Just sayin. It is sad everyone calling them names and when it comes right down to it, they haven't
The only stupid you got there is thinking he even needed a chance to do anything.
He doesn't need your chances. His mind was made up day one.
He doesn't need you in his new platform. He doesn't even need the community. There are enough people in China to fill the void.
We're all doomed! Run for the hills!
Tis a minor inconvenience.
Who the fuck are you? You don't even have any stake here you poor little bitch.
I'm Batman! The Joker? The Riddler. Nobody.
Are you sure you are smart enough for this comment? 😂😂
Prolly not.
Just because your stupid does not mean you are not correct. 😎
Facts are facts. Regardless how people feel about them.